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A simple demonstration of Logic Apps running inside a container on AKS


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A demo repository of using Azure Logic Apps in a Docker container using AKS Workload Identities for binding authentications. This repository will write data to an Azure Event Hub and use Azure Logic Apps to send that data into Azure SQL.

This repository uses Task to help with the automation. Use task --list to see the complete list of options

Technical Details and Configurations

Azure Logic Apps has had the ability to run inside a Docker container for several years. Historically, Logic Apps has used connection strings to authenticate to its dependency resources (Azure Storage) or its bindings (like Azure SQL or Azure Event Hubs). In 2022, Azure Logic Apps running in Azure brought Managed Identity support for Triggers and Bindings then eventually to the Logic Apps Host. This repository brings those concepts to Kubernetes

Azure Logic Apps will leverage Azure Workload Identities for password-less authentication. Workload Identities federates a Azure Managed Identity with a Kubernetes Service Account under which context a pod runs inside AKS. This Federation allows the projection of a Service Account Token from AKS to services in Azure without requiring a password.

Azure Function Host

One or more Azure Logic Apps runs on top of an Azure Function Host. The Function Host provides the foundational elements that a function needs to run. It uses Azure Storage (Blobs and Queues) to persistent configuration values. The Azure Blob setting is defined with the AzureWebJobsStorage Environmental variable. The __ nomenclature groups Environmental Variables as a collection and is used throughout Azure Logic Apps Identity based configuration

The Azure Managed Identity must be granted the following RBAC roles on the Azure Storage:

  • "Storage Account Contributor"
  • "Storage Blob Data Contributor"
  • "Storage Queue Data Contributor"

Example Configuration:

  AzureWebJobsStorage__credential: workloadidentity
  AzureWebJobsStorage__clientId: fc813289-26f6-465d-a288-3ef982e39157  #This is the Client ID of the Azure Managed Identity. Client IDs are not secret values
  AzureWebJobsStorage__queueServiceUri: "" 
  AzureWebJobsStorage__tableServiceUri: ""

  AZURE_TENANT_ID: fc813289-26f6-465d-a288-3ef982e39157
  AZURE_CLIENT_ID: 75f25ae8-e026-4939-94e7-1714dbbc0c16
  AZURE_FEDERATED_TOKEN_FILE: /var/run/secrets/azure/tokens/azure-identity-token

NOTE:: In this repositor, the proper Roles are assigned using Terraform and these configs are defined in the Helm chart/values.yaml file that will be populated with values from the Terraform state file.

Azure Triggers and Bindings

Each service that Azure Logic Apps interacts with either by a Trigger or Input/Output requires additional authentication. Each service has their own role definitions and connection string format. They do all follow the __ nomenclature to group a collection of common Environmental Variables.

Example Event Hub Connection:

  EVENTHUB_CONNECTION__credential: managedidentity
  EVENTHUB_CONNECTION__clientId: fc813289-26f6-465d-a288-3ef982e39157 

NOTE:: In this repositor, these configs are defined in the Helm chart/values.yaml file that will be populated with values from the Terraform state file.


Resources Created

Log Analytics Workspace Azure Container Registry (Private Endpoint)
Azure Event Hub (Private endpoint) Azure SQL (Private Endpoint)
Azure Kubernetes Service Azure Storage (Private Endpoint)
Managed User identities AKS Cluster Identity
AKS Kubelet Identity
App Identity

Infrastructure Stand-up

  1. Run the following: az login; task up

NOTE:: Task up will create the environment, build/push the Azure Function code, and deploy via Helm to the AKS cluster

Sample run:

$ az login 
$ task up
task: [up] terraform -chdir=./infrastructure init
Terraform has been successfully initialized!

You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to see
any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands
should now work.

If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform,
rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other
commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary.
task: [apply] terraform -chdir=./infrastructure apply -auto-approve
Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 1 changed, 0 destroyed.


ACR_NAME = "goldfish3410acr"
AKS_CLUSTER_NAME = "goldfish-3410-aks"
AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP = "goldfish-3410_rg"
APP_IDENTITY_NAME = "goldfish-3410-aks-logicapp-eventprocessor-identity"
APP_NAME = "goldfish-3410"
NAMESPACE = "logicapp-demo"
ARM_TENANT_ID = "16b3c013-d300-468d-ac64-7eda0820b6d3"
ARM_WORKLOAD_APP_ID = "15e1d216-73dd-499f-b54e-ad3cbf8ca4d4"
EVENTHUB_NAMESPACE_NAME = "goldfish-3410-eventhub"
task: [creds] az aks get-credentials -g goldfish-3410_rg -n goldfish-3410-aks --overwrite-existing
The behavior of this command has been altered by the following extension: aks-preview
Merged "goldfish-3410-aks" as current context in /home/admin/.kube/config
task: [creds] sed -i s/devicecode/azurecli/g ~/.kube/config
task: [build] az acr login --name goldfish3410acr
task: [build] az acr build --image --registry goldfish3410acr --file Dockerfile .
Run ID: cd9 was successful after 1m25s
task: [deploy] helm upgrade -i logicapp-demo --set ACR_NAME="goldfish3410acr" --set COMMIT_VERSION=62ec958f --set APP_IDENTITY_NAME=goldfish-3410-aks-functions-demo-identity --set ARM_WORKLOAD_APP_ID=15e1d216-73dd-499f-b54e-ad3cbf8ca4d4 --set ARM_TENANT_ID=16b3c013-d300-468d-ac64-7eda0820b6d3 --set EVENTHUB_NAMESPACE_NAME="goldfish-3410-eventhub" --set WEBJOB_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME="goldfish3410sa" ./chart
Release "logicapp-demo" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
NAME: logicapp-demo 
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Aug 14 12:52:34 2023
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
task: [deploy] kubectl --namespace logicapp-demo  get pods
NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
eventprocessor-5465799c7b-rq2ph   1/1     Running   0          23m


  • The cluster name and managed identity name will be known after terraform creates the resources in Azure.
  • The managed identity name should be in the form of ${aks_name}-${var.namespace}-identity
    • For example: goldfish-2295-aks-logicapp-eventprocessor-identity


  1. Run the following: task run

Sample run:

$ task run
task: [run] dotnet run -n goldfish-3410-eventhub
A batch of 5 events has been published.


  1. Run the following: task down

Sample run:

$ task down
task: [down] cd infrastructure ; rm -rf .terraform.lock.hcl .terraform terraform.tfstate terraform.tfstate.backup
task: [down] az group delete -n goldfish-3410_rg --yes || true


A simple demonstration of Logic Apps running inside a container on AKS





