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BridgeDb 2.2.1

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@stain stain released this 30 Aug 14:38
· 705 commits to main since this release


BridgeDb v2.2.1 is a minor bug fix release since v2.2.0.


The release to Maven Central mean you do no longer need to compile BridgeDb or add a <repository> to use BridgeDb JARs as a binary dependencies. The Maven build system will take care of transitive dependencies (e.g. other parts of BridgeDb that is needed)

The below examples assume you need just, modify to add other modules.

For Maven:


For Gradle:

compile group: 'org.bridgedb', name: '', version: '2.2.1'

For Ivy:

<dependency org="org.bridgedb" name="" rev="2.2.1"/>

For Buildr:
