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Picto is a small open source application that makes uploading and sharing images very simple. It takes advantage of Postgres, Redis, and Amazon S3 for data storage.

Picto is a Symfony application and distributed under the MIT License. Getting started with it is very simple.


Building and hacking Picto only requires Vagrant and VirtualBox. Vagrant will bootstrap an environment complete with PHP 5.5, Postgres 9.2, Redis 2.8, and Ruby 2.0.

To start, install the following software:

After cloning the repository, run the following command to build the Vagrant virtual machine.

vagrant up

Building the virtual machine will take around 20-30 minutes. Once the Vagrant virtual machine is built, run the following command to SSH into it.

vagrant ssh

All commands executed for the installation and deployment processes will take place from within the virtual machine itself. After you have connected to the virtual machine, run the following commands to go to the directory where the Picto repository is synced on the virtual machine.

cd picto

From within the root of the repository, copy the build.settings.template file to build.settings with the following command.

cp app/config/build.settings.template app/config/build.settings

Open the build.settings file and set the following configuration settings:

  • aws_key
  • aws_secret
  • image_bucket
  • secret

The database settings can be left alone as they are the default values for connecting to Postgres and Redis. Picto does not send any mail currently, so the mailer settings can be left alone for now.

After the build.settings file has been updated, run the following command in the root of the repository to build your development environment.


This may take a while as Composer will have to download all of the vendors initially.

Next, create the directory with the following command where Picto will store all of the uploaded images as specified in the build.settings file.

sudo mkdir -p /var/apps/data/images/
chown -R vagrant:vagrant /var/apps/data

Once Picto is successfully built and the data directory created, run the following command to start the development server.



Picto is a fairly standard Symfony application, so developing on it should be simple for anyone familiar with the Symfony bundle layout. All code is stored in the src directory, and all configuration data is stored in the app/config/ directory.

Picto uses the PHP port of Resque for handling background jobs. Currently, Picto uses a Resque job to upload an image to Amazon S3.

To start Resque, you can use either of the following commands.

./symfony bcc:resque:worker-start upload --foreground


Picto uses Postgres as a long term data store. You can access it with the following command.

psql -hlocalhost -Upicto picto

You can also add this an as alias to your .bash_aliases file as db-picto to access it quickly.

Redis is available with the following command.



Despite its simplicity, Picto even comes with a few tests. Run the following command to execute the tests.


Not all of the tests are great, but at least they are there. They can always improve.


Picto uses Compass, SASS, and ZURB Foundation for styling. No actual CSS is stored with the project; you must compile the CSS yourself. Run the following commands from within the root of the repository to compile the SASS.

cd src/Picto/AppBundle/Resources/config/compass/
compass compile

This will create a minified CSS file named picto.css in src/Picto/AppBundle/Resources/public/css/. During development, you can run compass watch instead of compass compile to regenerate the CSS with every change to the SASS.


Picto can be deployed to your server using Capistrano. The virtual machine has Capistrano 2.15.5 installed with SSH agent forwarding enabled so you can deploy directly from it.

Before you deploy, you will have to ensure a production ready build.settings file is placed in the standard shared/system/ directory structure that Capistrano maintains. The Capistrano tasks will use it to build the production ready parameters.yml file.

The Capistrano tasks are stored in the config directory. You will have to update the config/deploy/staging.rb and config/deploy/production.rb configuration files to point to your server and directory structure.

I have a great book on deploying PHP applications that can really give you a lot more insight on how to deploy Picto (and any other PHP application, for that matter).


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2013 Vic Cherubini, Bright March


Picto is a simple image sharing application.







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