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Releases: britzl/defold-orthographic

Orthographic Camera API 3.3.1

21 Feb 22:46
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FIX: Check window width and height in render script and ignore frames when width or height is 0

Orthographic Camera API 3.3.0

01 Dec 14:24
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NEW: Added camera.world_to_window() (Thanks @dri-richard for the contribution)

Orthographic Camera API 3.2.1

17 Oct 13:35
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Added support for frustum culling

05 Apr 13:56
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NEW: The render script now calculates the view frustum per camera and passes this to the draw call. Thanks @8bitskull

Clamp follow lerp to within 0.0 and 1.0

31 Mar 13:26
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Make sure to keep follow lerp within 0 and 1

Fixes #51

Fixed issues with aspect ratio and custom viewports

31 Mar 12:52
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FIX: Make sure the camera renders with the correct aspect ratio when the a custom viewport with another aspect ratio than the one in game.project is used

Disable stencil test at the end of the render script

15 Sep 12:47
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Clip node clips the profiler if we don't disable stencil test. So dis…

…abled it after drawing gui. (#48)

Fix window_to_world

15 Aug 20:24
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FIX: The window_to_world() function was broken after recent viewport change. Thanks to @546342 for the fix!

Orthographic Camera API 3.1.1

05 Jul 16:39
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FIX: Automatically refresh list of camera ids after camera.update() and before use of camera.get_cameras()

Orthographic Camera API 3.1.0

05 Jul 15:40
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NEW: You can now call most camera.* functions without specifying a camera id to get the first camera. This is useful in games where you know there is ever only a single camera.