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Try it out

  • Start gRPC server sbt server/run
  • Run automation tests against the running server sbt automation/test
  • In deployed service, we expose Json/HTTP REST API in addition to gRPC.


  • API doc
  • Both gRPC and REST http doc is generated based on proto3

Publish grpc docker image to Google container registry

  • Set up auth for publishing docker image to GCR gcloud auth configure-docker
  • Publish sbt server/docker:publish (or sbt server/docker:publishLocal for local development)

Generating cert


Information about the server

curl -k https://localhost/status


  • calculate formula
  • figure out how to get service URLs properly

Maybe TODO

  • Build (google cloud build)
  • Deployment
  • Deploy docker image to google with cloud build
  • Set up automation tests in CI (deploy a server and then run automation tests against that)
  • Dockerize
  • Publish client jar
  • Config sentry DSN

Questions for cromwell team

  1. How cromwell will interact with ccm. Contract
  2. cost components