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Tests on Pull Requests and Master

This is the repo for the WorkFlow Launcher's PTC service


This project is managed by the vanilla Clojure CLI tools, make sure you have it installed. If not, follow here to install it or simply run the following if you are on macOS:

brew tap clojure/tools
brew install clojure/tools/clojure

You could then run clj -m $namespace to run a module with given namespace. e.g.

clojure -M --main ptc.start


Add new dependencies to deps.edn. Add new modules under src/, and new test cases under test/.


The tests are managed by clj and will be executed by kaocha test runner. You could run the following code to see an example:

clojure -M:test unit

For integration testing, you need to connect to the VPN or be in the Broad network and run:

clojure -M:test integration

For end-to-end testing, you need to connect to the VPN or be in the Broad network and run:

 clojure -M:test e2e

The e2e test runs in the dev environment by default. To run in production:

export ZAMBONI_ACTIVEMQ_SERVER_URL="failover:ssl://"
export ZAMBONI_ACTIVEMQ_SECRET_PATH="secret/dsde/gotc/prod/activemq/logins/zamboni"
export PTC_BUCKET_URL="gs://broad-aou-arrays-input"
export CROMWELL_URL=""
export WFL_URL=""

clojure -M:test integration

There is another test target named acl-in-production. That runs a test that includes reading from and writing to the production Google Cloud Storage buckets. The acl-in-production test is disabled because it runs in production and can break the AllOfUs pipeline. Do not run it while the AllOfUs pipeline is in use.

You can edit code to enable the test after you've verified that no samples are in the AllOfUs pipeline, and run it like this:

clojure -M:test acl-in-production

The acl-in-production test verifies that the permissions on the production AllOfUs buckets and the production Cromwell are set properly.


To build an executable Uber Jar with AOT compilation, simply run:

clojure -M:build

The JAR produced by can be run with java -jar target/push-to-cloud-service.jar, which will invoke the main function in the start.clj namespace, which is currently the only module with :gen-class.

Code Style

We use cljfmt for a standard and consistent code style in this repo.

To lint the code, run:

clojure -M:lint

To format the code, run:

clojure -M:format


Logging is done with (very similarly to WFL's logging). The backend is Log4j 2, configured in resources/log4j2.xml. Examples are in test/unit/logging_test.clj.


push-to-cloud-service is designed to be a systemd user unit. Once installed via the bundled install script, you can enable push-to-cloud via:

systemctl --user enable --now push-to-cloud.service
systemctl enable ptc-vault.service

More information on systemd usage can be found here.


Hornet has a runbook for troubleshooting the AoU PushToCloud service here.