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initial work on merge to vcf
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dpark01 committed Feb 26, 2015
1 parent 4d95572 commit a401bd9
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Showing 4 changed files with 243 additions and 10 deletions.
12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -39,13 +39,17 @@ def __init__(self, fastaA, fastaB, alignerTool = tools.muscle.MuscleTool) :
self.BtoA = OrderedDict() # {chrB : [chrA, mapper],...}
self._align(fastaA, fastaB, alignerTool())

def mapAtoB(self, fromChrom, pos) :
def mapAtoB(self, fromChrom, pos=None) :
toChrom, mapper = self.AtoB[fromChrom]
return (toChrom, mapper(pos))
if pos != None:
pos = mapper(pos)
return (toChrom, pos)

def mapBtoA(self, fromChrom, pos) :
def mapBtoA(self, fromChrom, pos=None) :
toChrom, mapper = self.BtoA[fromChrom]
return (toChrom, mapper(pos))
if pos != None:
pos = mapper(pos)
return (toChrom, pos)

def _align(self, fastaA, fastaB, aligner) :
alignInFileName = util.file.mkstempfname('.fasta')
Expand Down
161 changes: 155 additions & 6 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -208,16 +208,165 @@ def vphaser_to_vcf(inFile, refFasta, multiAlignment, outVcf):
out = out + list(map(':'.join, zip(genos, freqs)))
outf.write('\t'.join(map(str, out))+'\n')

def parser_vphaser_to_vcf(parser=argparse.ArgumentParser()):
parser.add_argument("inFile", help="Input vPhaser2 text file")

def merge_to_vcf(refFasta, outVcf, samples, isnvs, assemblies):
''' Convert vPhaser2 parsed filtered output text file into VCF format.
refFasta - the target reference genome. outVcf will use these
chromosome names, coordinate spaces, and reference alleles
outVcf - output VCF file containing all variants
samples - a list of sample names
isnvs - a list of file names from the output of vphaser_one_sample
These must be in the SAME ORDER as samples.
assemblies - a list of consensus fasta files that were used as the
per-sample reference genomes for generating isnvs.
These must be in the SAME ORDER as samples.

# setup
if not (len(samples) == len(isnvs) == len(assemblies)):
raise Exception()
samp_to_fasta = dict(zip(samples, assemblies))
samp_to_isnv = dict(zip(samples, isnvs))
samp_to_cmap = dict((s, CoordMapper(genome, refFasta))
for s, genome in samp_to_fasta.items())
with open(refFasta, 'rU') as inf:
ref_chrlens = list((, len(seq)) for seq in Bio.SeqIO.parse(inf, 'fasta'))

with open(outVcf, 'wt') as outf:

# write header
outf.write('##FORMAT=<ID=AF,Number=A,Type=Float,Description="Allele Frequency">\n')
for c, clen in ref_chrlens:
outf.write('##contig=<ID=%s,length=%d>\n' % (c, clen))
outf.write('##reference=file://%s\n' % refFasta)
header = ['CHROM','POS','ID','REF','ALT','QUAL','FILTER','INFO','FORMAT'] + samples

# one reference chrom at a time
for chrom, chrlen in ref_chrlens:

# read in all iSNVs for this chrom and map to reference coords
data = []
for s in samples:
for row in util.file.read_tabfile(samp_to_isnv):
s_chrom = samp_to_cmap[s].mapBtoA(chrom, None)[0]
if row[0] == s_chrom:
row = {'sample':s, 'CHROM':chrom,
's_chrom':s_chrom, 's_pos':int(row[1]),
's_alt':row[2], 's_ref': row[3],
'n_libs':row[7], 'lib_bias': row[8],
'alleles':list(x for x in row[9:] if x)}
# reposition vphaser deletions minus one to be consistent with
# VCF conventions
if row['s_alt'].startswith('D'):
for a in row['alleles']:
assert a[0] in ('D','i')
row['s_pos'] = row['s_pos']-1
# map position back to reference coordinates
row['ref_range'] = samp_to_cmap[s].mapAtoB(s_chrom, row['s_pos'])[1]
row['POS'] = row['ref_range'] if (type(row['ref_range'])==int) else row['ref_range'][0]

# sort all iSNVs (across all samples) and group by position
data = sorted(data, key=lambda row: row['POS'])
data = itertools.groupby(data, lambda: row['POS'])

# process one reference position at a time
for pos, rows in data:

# get the set of alleles seen per sample
rows = [(row['sample'], [a.split(':') for a in row['alleles']], row) for row in rows]
# convert (allele, forward count, reverse count) tuples from strings to ints and combine counts
rows = [(s,[(a,int(f)+int(r)) for a,f,r in counts],row) for s,counts,row in rows]
# combine fwd+rev counts and sort (allele,count) tuples in descending count order
rows = [(s,list(sorted(counts, key=lambda a,n:n, reverse=True)),row) for s,counts,row in rows]

# define the length of this variation based on the largest deletion
end = pos
for s,counts,row in rows:
for a,n in counts:
if a.startswith('D'):
# end of deletion in sample's coord space
local_end = row['s_pos']+int(a[1:])
# end of deletion in reference coord space
ref_end = samp_to_cmap[s].mapAtoB(row['s_chrom'], local_end)
if not type(ref_end) == int:
ref_end = ref_end[1]
end = max(end, ref_end)

raise NotImplementedError()
# TO DO: nothing below is really implemented right yet

# find reference allele and consensus alleles
refAllele = str(ref[pos-1:end].seq)
consAlleles = dict((s, str(aln[sample_idx_map[s]][pos-1:end].seq)) for s in samples)
for s,allele in consAlleles.items():
if [a for a in allele if a not in set(('A','C','T','G'))]:
log.warn("dropping unclean consensus for %s at %s-%s: %s" % (s, pos, end, allele))
del consAlleles[s]

# define genotypes and fractions
iSNVs = {}
rows = dict(rows)
for s in samples:
if s in rows:
consAllele = consAlleles[s]
# we have iSNV data on this sample
tot_n = sum(n for a,n in rows[s])
iSNVs[s] = {}
for a,n in rows[s]:
f = float(n)/tot_n
if a.startswith('I'):
# insertion allele is first ref base, plus inserted bases, plus subsequent ref bases
a = consAllele[0] + a[1:] + consAllele[1:]
elif a.startswith('D'):
# deletion is the first ref base, plus remaining ref seq with the first few positions dropped off
a = consAllele[0] + consAllele[1+int(a[1:]):]
elif a in ('i','d'):
# this is vphaser's way of saying the "reference" (majority/consensus) allele, in the face of other indel variants
a = consAllele
# this is a SNP
assert a in set(('A','C','T','G'))
if f>0.5 and a!=consAllele[0]:
log.warn("vPhaser and assembly pipelines mismatch at %d/%s - consensus %s, vPhaser %s" % (pos, s, consAllele[0], a))
a = a + consAllele[1:]
assert a and a==a.upper()
iSNVs[s][a] = f
if util.misc.unique(map(len, iSNVs[s].keys())) == [1]:
assert consAllele in iSNVs[s].keys()
elif s in consAlleles:
# there is no iSNV data for this sample, so substitute the consensus allele
iSNVs[s] = {consAlleles[s]:1.0}

# get unique allele list and map to numeric
alleles = [a for a,n in sorted(util.misc.histogram(consAlleles.values()).items(), key=lambda a,n:n, reverse=True) if a!=refAllele]
alleles2 = list(itertools.chain(*[iSNVs[s].keys() for s in samples if s in iSNVs]))
alleles = list(util.misc.unique([refAllele] + alleles + alleles2))
assert len(alleles)>1
alleleMap = dict((a,i) for i,a in enumerate(alleles))
genos = [str(alleleMap.get(consAlleles.get(s),'.')) for s in samples]
freqs = [(s in iSNVs) and ','.join(map(str, [iSNVs[s].get(a,0.0) for a in alleles[1:]])) or '.' for s in samples]

# prepare output row and write to file
out = [, pos, '.', alleles[0], ','.join(alleles[1:]), '.', '.', '.', 'GT:AF']
out = out + list(map(':'.join, zip(genos, freqs)))
outf.write('\t'.join(map(str, out))+'\n')

def parser_merge_to_vcf(parser=argparse.ArgumentParser()):
parser.add_argument("refFasta", help="Reference genome FASTA")
parser.add_argument("multiAlignment", help="Consensus genomes multi-alignment FASTA")
parser.add_argument("outVcf", help="Output VCF file")
parser.add_argument("--isnvs", nargs='+', required=True,
help="Input vPhaser2 text files")
parser.add_argument("--assemblies", nargs='+', required=True,
help="Consensus genomes multi-alignment FASTA")
util.cmd.common_args(parser, (('loglevel',None), ('version',None)))
util.cmd.attach_main(parser, vphaser_to_vcf, split_args=True)
util.cmd.attach_main(parser, merge_to_vcf, split_args=True)
return parser
__commands__.append(('vphaser_to_vcf', parser_vphaser_to_vcf))

__commands__.append(('merge_to_vcf', parser_merge_to_vcf))

def compute_Fws(vcfrow):
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions test/unit/
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Expand Up @@ -82,4 +82,13 @@ def test_unequal_genomes_error(self):
with self.assertRaises(Exception):
cm = interhost.CoordMapper(genomeA, genomeB)

def test_map_chr_only(self):
self.assertEqual('chr1', None), ('first_chrom', None))
self.assertEqual('first_chrom', None), ('chr1', None))
self.assertEqual('chr2', None), ('second_chr', None))
self.assertEqual('second_chr', None), ('chr2', None))
with self.assertRaises(KeyError):'nonexistentchr', None)

71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions test/unit/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,12 @@ def test_help_parser_for_each_command(self):
parser = parser_fun(argparse.ArgumentParser())
helpstring = parser.format_help()

def makeTempFasta(seqs):
fn = util.file.mkstempfname('.fasta')
with open(fn, 'wt') as outf:
for line in util.file.fastaMaker(seqs):
return fn

class MockVphaserOutput:
''' This creates test data that pretends to be the output from
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,3 +119,68 @@ def test_multi_lib(self):

@unittest.skip('not implemented')
class TestVcfMerge(test.TestCaseWithTmp):
''' This tests step 2 of the iSNV calling process
(intrahost.merge_to_vcf), which gets really nasty and tricky
and has lots of edge cases. These unit tests mock the vphaser
tool output and just test the merge and VCF stuff.
def test_simple_snps(self):
def test_sample_major_allele_not_ref_allele(self):
def test_simple_insertions(self):
# IA, ITCG, etc
def test_simple_deletions(self):
# D1, D2, etc...
def test_deletion_spans_deletion(self):
# sample assembly has deletion against reference and isnv deletes even more
# POS is anchored right before the deletion
# S1: ATCG--GA
# isnv: x (position 5, D1)
def test_insertion_spans_deletion(self):
# sample assembly has deletion against reference and isnv inserts back into it
# POS is anchored right before the deletion
# S1: ATCG--GA
# isnv: T (position 4, IT)
# isnv: TT (position 4, ITT)
# isnv: TTC (position 4, ITTC)
def test_deletion_within_insertion(self):
# sample assembly has insertion against reference and isnv deletes from it
# isnv: xx (position 6, D2)
# isnv: x (position 7, D1)
# isnv: x (position 6, D1)
# isnv: x (position 5, D1)
# isnv: x (position 4, D1)
# isnv: xx (position 4, D2)
# isnv: xxx (position 4, D3)
# isnv: xxxx (position 4, D4)
def test_insertion_within_insertion(self):
# sample assembly has insertion against reference and isnv puts even more in
# isnv: (position 4, IA)
# isnv: (position 5, IA)
# isnv: (position 6, IA)
def test_indel_collapse(self):
# vphaser describes insertions and deletions separately
# test appropriate collapse of coincident insertions and deletions into
# a single output VCF row
# isnv: (position 4, IA, IAT)
# isnv: (position 5, D1, D2)

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