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Vim Setup Notes

What Is This?

Notes to self about how I configured vim.

Offline wishlist

This stuff should get migrated to git issues, but here to note offline wishlist.

Copy / Paste

We want:

  • Delete doesn't overwrite what gets pasted with p when there is a prior y
  • Anything y is available in the system clipboard


  • y remaped to "copy to sys clipboard", this will also copy to unnamed clipboard
  • p remains as is, will paste from unnamed register
  • Alternate for p is to have it paste from "0 register
    • Benefit is that deletions will never affect any yanks
    • Drawback is that stuff like xp to flip a character will not work anymore
    • Basically, what's better, never having to \"0p and always having to x\"1p?
  • <leader>p remains as is, will paste from system register
  • p remaped to "paste from sys clipboard"
  • <leader>v


mkdir ~/.vimswap
mkdir ~/.vim
# git clone ~/.vim
git clone --recursive ~/.vim
echo "source ~/.vim/vimrc" > ~/.vimrc

Then, to update:

git pull && git submodule update --init --recursive

Vim Installation

Stuck at 7.3 on OSX 10.9.5, so upgrading:

brew install mercurial
brew install vim # Failed can't find some vim version
brew update      # Updated vim formula
brew install vim

Then update .bash_profile to source .bashrc, and add:

export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"

Also, major PITA but patogen stuff will not load if we rely on .vim/vimrc so we absolutely need to keep the .vimrc file, which sucks.

Additional brew notes, had to:

Had to chown several /usr/local folders for brew to run and link properly. This was actually for a git update rather than vim one.

IDE Setup


Ended up disabling, probably b/c slow R-vim-runtime and also because this is just supposed to be the dev versions of what already comes with vim.


Actively developed, by same guy as R-Vim-runtime. Needs tmux. Currently installed as a submodule, though the suggested install is to use a release.


For use with the Nvim-R

brew install tmux



Seems like an alternative to Nvim-R, but doesn't seem as up to date as Nvim-R. Additionally, looks like Nvim-R author was at least involved via suggestions in the development.


Install Notes

Using pathogen. General methodology is to use git submodules to install plugins to the extent they are on git:

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git submodule add \
git submodule add

It seems like we need to be in the bundle directory otherwise annoying stuff happens with gitignore, etc.

Plugin Notes

ctrl-space: seems interesting, but perhaps more complicated than I need. Main issue is that it appears to require too many keystrokes to do what I want (open a file). It's nice that it start by showing the open buffers.

ctrl-p: seems like a good match, especially in mixed mode. Shame it doesn't default by showing buffers, or doesn't show status like :ls does. Also, not clear that it actually works with putty.


My Vim Settings






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