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My entry for Infinibattle 2019: Neato - contains the NEAT-based bot and its training code

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Neato is my 2019 entry into Infi's yearly Infinibattle AI-bot competition. It did not do well, but might still be interesting to check out.

It uses NEAT (using python-neat) to evolve a neural network that decides the bot's moves.

Neato (infinibattle-giuseppe) has to play against itself and against "The real Giuseppe" (infinibattle-giuseppe-real). Genomes which resulted in winning phenotype/neural network get awarded a higher fitness and are selected into the next generation.

"The real Giuseppe" is a simple bot which is added as an "exploiter"[1] so evolution goes in the right direction.

[1] Not sure if this is an actual exploiter, I just read about it in the context of AlphaStar, and it sounded cool so now I'm using it too.



The brain of the bot can be found in the strategy2 function in infinibattle-giuseppe/

In this function the neural network is applied, for every owned planet, to every pair of the owned planet and each of its neighbour planets. It has 4 inputs:

  • planet health
  • neighbour planet health - positive if it is owned by the bot, otherwise negative
  • neighbour planet's friendly neighbour health - sum of healths of all planets owned by the bot and neighbouring the neighbour
  • neighbour planet's enemy neighbour health - sum of healths of all planets not owned by the bot and neighbouring the neighbour

The neural network has 1 output which is interpreted as a weighting for allocating outgoing ships from the owned planet in question. If the net yields a positive output for a specific neighbor this is interpreted as the planet wanting to send ships to this neighbor (either to reinforce or attack). A negative output is interpreted as wanting to keep ships at the planet.

Possible improvements

  • I'm not quite sure if it is possible to get negative outputs. It sure seemed to always want to send out ships to all neighbours. This would need to be tested.
  • The neural network is quite simple and doesn't take global patterns in to account. A big obstacle I found is finding some way to map the game state to a neural network with a fixed number of inputs. It might be interesting to find a way to combine Graph Neural Networks[2], which take graphs as input, with NEAT. I attempted to implement PATCHY-SAN in the strategy3 function in infinibattle-giuseppe/, but I didn't get any results quick enough so for the Infinibattle I put my money on the implementation outlined above.
  • More processing power: running a lot more generations and having a bigger populations.
  • Improving the fitness function. The fitness function is now defined as the per-match-average game score (planet+ship health / total planet+ship health) in a full competition between a generation's genomes combined with an instance of "The real Giuseppe". This means the fitness function is optimal when a bot accidentally wins all matches against its opponents within a generation, however, a theoretically optimal fitness function would only reach its maximum for a bot that displays global optimal play. It might be better to mix in other variables into the fitness function like total rounds played (which we probably would like to minimize).
  • Tweaking the python-neat configuration to better fit the neural network we want to create.

[2] Graph Neural Networks are a generalization of Convolutional Neural Networks popularly used for image processing. This article seems a good introduction to Graph Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Survey on Graph NeuralNetworks.



  • Python 3.x
  • Rust 1.38+


Configure python-neat in infinibattle-giuseppe/config-feedforward. Immediately interesting settings are:

  • pop_size - Number of genomes per generation.
  • no_fitness_termination - If true, fitness_criterion is ignored.
  • fitness_criterion + fitness_threshold - Immediately finish the evolution when a single genome achieves this. (Gotta be pretty sure about your fitness function's effectiveness, or else you might accidently end up with a winning genome who was just lucky for one generation.)
  • num_inputs - Number of inputs, in case you want to modify this in infinibattle-giuseppe/
  • num_outputs - Number of outputs, in case you want to modify this in infinibattle-giuseppe/

Check out the docs for more information.

Adjust the maximum number of generations in infinibattle-giuseppe/ at this line:

winner =, 100)


To run evolution:

$ cd infinibattle-giuseppe
$ python3 

This should result in two files the_config.dump and the_genome.dump, containing a pickled configuration based on infinibattle-giuseppe/config-feedforward and the winning genome, respectively.

If python3 is ran without arguments it automatically attempts to load those two files.


$ cd infinibattle-giuseppe
$ # *add your APIKEY to the Makefile*
$ make publish


My entry for Infinibattle 2019: Neato - contains the NEAT-based bot and its training code




