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brokenseal edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 5 revisions

Please refer to the docs shipped with Broke for a full understanding

Broke at a glance

Broke wants to be a Javascript library to ease the pain of writing javascript
everyday. It inherits a lot (everything?) from the Django web framework (which I love)
and this very documentation is a rip-off of the actual Django documentation.
It allows you to write clean and organized code encapsulated inside an MVC/MTV

Broke currently uses jQuery to manipulate the DOM and a couple of other stuff but
I’m actually trying to find a way to implement an adaptor for every major Javascript
library out there (.. _ExtJS docet:

Model base class

Broke uses the already written basic object .. _Class:
originally written by John Resig and then expanded by the guys behind .. _Javascript MVC:
It provides good support for inheritance as well as Class static methods. I love it.

Enjoy the free API

With that, you’ve got a free, and rich, :ref:`Javascript API ` to
access your data.::
for the next examples I’m expecting you to be using Javascript console::

  1. You didn’t post any entry yet
    : broke.models.Entry.objects.all()
  1. Create a new Entry.
    : e = new Entry({
    : title: ‘A new entry on my blog’,
    : body: ‘Lorem ipsum etc.’
    : });
  1. You may access to the original Class
    : e.Class
  1. And the original className
    : e.Class.className
  1. Save the object into the local database
    :{commit: false})
  1. Or save it into the remote database
  1. As soon as the server responds back, you’ll be able to access the object id
  1. You can access the object’s fields through the “fields” property
    : e.fields.title
    ‘A new entry on my blog’
  1. Now the new entry is in the database.
    >>> broke.models.Entry.objects.all()
    [Object fields=Object dataSetReference=Object type=Object] ([Entry object])
  1. broke provides a rich local database lookup API.
    : broke.models.Entry.objects.get({id: 1})
    [Object fields=Object dataSetReference=Object type=Object] ([Entry object])
: broke.models.Entry.objects.get({title__startswith: ‘A new’}) [Object fields=Object dataSetReference=Object type=Object] ([Entry object]) : broke.models.Entry.objects.get({title__contains: ‘new e’}) [Object fields=Object dataSetReference=Object type=Object] ([Entry object]) : broke.models.Entry.objects.get({id: 2}) Object name=DoesNotExist ({name: ‘DoesNotExist’, message: “Entry matching query does not exist.”})
  1. Change an object by altering its attributes and calling save().
    : e.title = ‘An old entry on my blog’
  1. Delete an object with delete().
    : e.delete()

Design your URLs

Broke.js encourages beautiful URL design thanks to flexible url patterns. To design
URLs you just need to extend the broke.urlPatterns property.
Here’s what an url pattern might look like for the ``Entry`` example above::


[ “^/entry/view/([0-9]+)/$”, broke.views.entry.view ],
[ “^/entry/edit/([0-9]+)/$”, broke.views.entry.edit ],
[ “^/entry/delete/([0-9]+)/$”, broke.views.entry.delete ]

The code above maps URLs, as simple regular expressions, to the location of
Javascript callback functions (“views”). The regular expressions use parenthesis to
“capture” values from the URLs. When a user requests a page, broke runs
through each pattern, in order, and stops at the first one that matches the
requested URL. (If none of them matches, Broke raises a “NotFound” exception.)

Once one of the regexes matches, Broke calls the given view, which
is a simple Javascript function. Each view gets passed a request object -
which contains request metadata -
and the values captured in the regex.
Since Javascript doesn’t implement (yet) named regex groups, you will only get
positional regex groups.

For example, if a user requested the URL “/entry/view/5/”, Broke
would call the function ``broke.views.entry.view(request, 5)``.

Write your views

Generally, a view retrieves data according to the parameters, loads a template,
renders the template with the retrieved data and place it somewhere in the DOM.
Here’s an example view::

``view`` from above::

broke.extend(broke.views, { entry: { view= function(request, args) { var entry_id= args0, entry = broke.models.Entry.objects.get({id: entry_id}), modalDialog= $(‘.modal-dialog[rel="’ + entry_id + ‘“]’); if(!modalDialog.length) { modalDialog= $(broke.templates.modalDialog.render({ id:, body: entry.fields.body })).appendTo(‘body’); modalDialog.dialog({ width: 600, height: 200, title: entry.fields.title, close: function(){ $(this).remove(); } }).dialog(‘open’); } return {} }, edit: … delete: … } });

This example uses Broke’s :ref:`template system `, which has
a simple micro templating function called ``render``.

Design your templates

The code above loads the ``broke.templates.modalDialog`` template and here’s what
that might look like:

modalDialog: ’

{{ body }}\

Variables are surrounded by double-curly braces. ``{{ article.headline }}``
means “Output the value of the article’s headline attribute.”

Note that you don’t have to use Broke’s template system if you prefer another
system. Each piece of Broke — models, views, templates — is
decoupled from the next.