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ci tests

Scala Steward badge

Cats Friendly Badge

yet another link shortener service but purely functional.

tech stack

library version
cats 2.12.0
cats-effect 3.5.4
http4s 0.23.27
skunk 0.6.4
redis4cats 1.7.0
circe 0.14.8
weaver 0.8.4


before running tests, make sure your containers running: docker-compose up -d

use sbt test command to run unit tests, sbt it:test for integration tests. instead, you can use sbt ci alias which runs scalafmt and scalafix checker against src/{main, test, it} then runs both cases.

build and run

after running sbt pack, you will see there is an executable shell located in target/pack/bin/xurl. you can easily run the application by just calling this file.


  • GET /_health

Returns the statuses of storage and cache services. Example response:

    "storage": true,
    "cache": true
  • GET /api/v1/urls

Returns all stored urls in database. Example response:

        "code": "Fb",
        "address": "",
        "hit": 0,
        "created_at": "2021-12-14T16:03:00.968752"
  • GET /api/v1/urls/<code>

Returns the detail for a given code:

    "code": "Fb",
    "address": "",
    "hit": 0,
    "created_at": "2021-12-14T16:03:00.968752"
  • POST /v1/api/urls

Shortens the given url and stores in db.

Example Request:

    "url": ""

Example Response:

    "code": "Fb",
    "address": "",
    "hit": 0,
    "created_at": "2021-12-14T16:03:00.968752"
  • GET /<code>

Redirects the user to associated url for a given code.

  • GET /_prometheus/metrics

Exposes Prometheus-compatible JVM and server' metrics

grafana dashboard

you can access the grafana dashboard of the xurl instance by visiting http://localhost:3000.

the grafana' default credentials have been used so you can log in with admin for username and admin for password.

the dashboard name is xurl, you can also take a look community-driven postgres and redis dashboards to see metrics of them.

docker container

after building a docker image for the project by using a command like docker build . -t xurl:latest, you should create a container using the host network since the configuration is not updated:

docker run --rm --network host xurl:latest

graalvm native image causes a bug on the metrics endpoint that are used by prometheus, the relevant endpoint somehow returns 500 for requests.


  • basen character uniqueness tests
  • better logging
  • tracing
  • metrics PR#13 PR#17 PR#18
  • healthcheck endpoint PR#2
  • pagination
  • clear error messages
  • github actions for ci PR#9
  • scala 3
  • graalvm native image PR#30
  • [exp] buld native image with musl
  • load testing PR#32