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Porting LaTeX packages for LaTeXML

Deyan Ginev edited this page Dec 9, 2020 · 31 revisions

Below's a list of the most commonly missing bindings from arXiv, via CorTeX.

The percentage is from all arXiv publications currently in CorTeX (~1,63 million, upto 11.2020). For a list of already supported packages and styles loaded during the arXiv conversion, see the loaded_file info report

Name Papers % Link to Docs Status
xy 67386 4.13% ctan
psfrag 44674 2.74% ctan
adjustbox 18657 1.14% ctan
tikz-cd 12072 0.74% ctan
epic 10716 0.66% ctan
overpic 9040 0.55% ctan
xypic 8785 0.54% ctan
eepic 7586 0.46% ctan
fancybox 7579 0.46% ctan
arydshln 7576 0.46% -
tikzlibraryarrows.meta.code.tex 7230 0.44% -
xfrac 7142 0.44% -
mathabx 6986 0.43% -
diagbox 6116 0.37% -
mhchem 6023 0.37% -
u 5929 0.36% -
tabu 5682 0.35% -
hypcap 5650 0.35% ctan
biblatex 5536 0.34% -
MnSymbol 5283 0.32% -
CJK 5251 0.32% ctan
mdframed 5157 0.32% -
jpconf 5003 0.31% -
datetime 4831 0.3% -
floatrow 4763 0.29% -
scrartcl 4504 0.28% -
tcolorbox 4492 0.28% -
tensor 4473 0.27% -
fancyvrb 4432 0.27% -
breqn 4299 0.26% -
pst-plot 4253 0.26% ctan
changepage 4150 0.25% -
xr 3913 0.24% -
dblfloatfix 3850 0.24% -
extarrows 3811 0.23% -
slashbox 3662 0.22% ctan (sty)
marginnote 3653 0.22% -
hyphenat 3456 0.21% -
bbding 3355 0.21% -
espcrc2 3295 0.2% ctan (hty)
youngtab 3196 0.2% ctan
commath 3130 0.19% -
pb-diagram 3115 0.19% ctan
stackengine 3111 0.19% -
amsaddr 3072 0.19% -
pbox 3054 0.19% -
scalerel 3033 0.19% -
capt-of 2987 0.18% -
pgfplotstable 2953 0.18% -
imsart 2917 0.18% -
stackrel 2905 0.18% -
ctable 2789 0.17% -
layout 2776 0.17% ctan
mdwlist 2758 0.17% -
changes 2690 0.16% -
eptcs 2689 0.16% -
morefloats 2682 0.16% -
anysize 2678 0.16% ctan (deprecated)
siamltex 2661 0.16% -
filecontents 2573 0.16% -
boxedminipage 2571 0.16% ctan
SIunits 2477 0.15% ctan
achemso 2458 0.15% -
tocloft 2438 0.15% -
blkarray 2428 0.15% -
cuted 2417 0.15% -
epl2 2318 0.14% -
bookmark 2317 0.14% -
ifsym 2311 0.14% -
ot2 2304 0.14% -
bigstrut 2287 0.14% -
diagrams 2262 0.14% ctan (overview)
moreverb 2250 0.14% -
centernot 2239 0.14% -
mdwmath 2138 0.13% -
mdwtab 2067 0.13% -
tipa 2034 0.12% -
nomencl 2022 0.12% -
bigints 1968 0.12% -
xifthen 1959 0.12% -
feynmp 1928 0.12% ctan
subeqnarray 1924 0.12% ctan
pict2e 1917 0.12% -
scrextend 1909 0.12% -
leftidx 1907 0.12% -
abstract 1873 0.11% -
doi 1871 0.11% -
eso-pic 1869 0.11% -
nccmath 1842 0.11% -
delarray 1821 0.11% ctan
axodraw 1786 0.11% ctan
t3 1784 0.11% -
ucs 1780 0.11% -
nth 1778 0.11% -
appolb 1752 0.11% -
yhmath 1748 0.11% -
mwe 1746 0.11% -
esvect 1742 0.11% -
spie 1734 0.11% -
ws-procs9x6 1712 0.1 % -
calligra 1708 0.1% -
jfm 1696 0.1% -
ascci 1689 0.1% -
webofc 1679 0.1% -
pst-all 1662 0.1% ctan (sty)
iaus 1660 0.1% -
version 1651 0.1% -
lettrine 1650 0.1% -
eqparbox 1650 0.1% -
standalone 1644 0.1% -
textgreek 1628 0.1% -
@defaultenc 1604 0.1% -
@defaultencenc 1604 0.1% -
pstricks-add 1599 0.1% -
sig-alternate 1591 0.1% -
environ 1588 0.1% -
CJKutf8 1587 0.1% -
mathalfa 1586 0.1% -
aliascnt 1584 0.1% -
ytableau 1569 0.1% -
feynmf 1553 0.1% ctan
textpos 1533 0.09% -
tkz-graph 1520 0.09% -
iau 1505 0.09% -
titletoc 1472 0.09% -
xstring 1460 0.09% -
fixme 1434 0.09% -
graphpap 1426 0.09% -
colonequals 1399 0.09% -
bigdelim 1398 0.09% -
IEEEtrantools 1397 0.09% -
pasj00 1392 0.09% -
prettyref 1389 0.09% -
proof 1342 0.08% -
ascmac 1342 0.08% -
pinlabel 1333 0.08% -
wlscirep 1295 0.08% -
ptptex 1292 0.08% -
mathdesign 1288 0.08% -
arximspdf 1285 0.08% -
chngpage 1236 0.08% -
upquote 1230 0.08% -
fixmath 1228 0.08% -
simplewick 1177 0.07% -
changebar 1159 0.07% -
curves 1157 0.07% -
oldgerm 1141 0.07% hmc
savesym 1117 0.07% -
hypernat 1113 0.07% ctan
mciteplus 1105 0.07% -
cmap 1104 0.07% -
pgffor 1102 0.07% -
mathtext 1074 0.07% -
multibib 1072 0.07% -
breakcites 1072 0.07% -
bussproofs 1068 0.07% -
cms-tdr 1046 0.06% -
tikz-qtree 1041 0.06% -
jpsj2 1040 0.06% -
xr-hyper 1018 0.06% -
an 1016 0.06% -
dirtytalk 1008 0.06% -
anyfontsize 1007 0.06% -
jpsj3 990 0.06% -
bibentry 982 0.06% -
ws-procs975x65 975 0.06% -
pst-tree 973 0.06% -
sigma 932 0.06% -
xpatch 931 0.06% -
pst-text 915 0.06% -
typearea 914 0.06% -
pstcol 909 0.06% -
complexity 895 0.05% -
setstack 887 0.05% HAL (sty)
nag 881 0.05% -
libertine 880 0.05% -
raa 878 0.05% -
picinpar 873 0.05% -
tkz-euclide 862 0.05% -
epl 862 0.05% -
smfart 833 0.05% -
pst-3d 828 0.05% -
rawfonts 819 0.05% -
nature 819 0.05% -
csvsimple 795 0.05% -
bezier 792 0.05% -
needspace 781 0.05% -
l-aa 781 0.05% -
mem 780 0.05% -
boldline 776 0.05% -
twocolumn.sty 775 0.05% -
ws-ijmpa 773 0.05% -
eqnarray 772 0.05% -
mathcomp 767 0.05% -
kantlipsum 766 0.05% -
texdraw 760 0.05% -
fancyref 751 0.05% -
sig-alternate-05-2015 742 0.05% -
aeguill 740 0.05% -
young 736 0.05% -
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