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This project is a simple NFT minter for study purposes. You can mint nft's that will have settings/attributes and it's image uploaded to IPFS.

Check it out the Live Demo

Needs Metamask wallet with an account connected to the website and it needs to run on Goerli Test Network.

Getting Started

  • Use Node 16.13 and yarn 1.22

Download and install Ganache

Download and install Metamask

Install project dependencies:

$ yarn

Start the project:

$ yarn start

Connect Metamask extension with the website http://localhost:3000.

You will need an Infura account for a blockchain entrypoint if you want to deploy to a test network.

Truffle Commands

  1. Test contracts. Will compile & create abi files:
$ truffle compile
  1. Deploy contract on network (as an example, on a testnet like goerli, use --network goerli)
$ truffle migrate --reset
  1. run mint script (on a testnet, use --network name-of-network as defined in truffle-config.js):
$ truffle exec src/utils/mint.js


This may require you to start a local blockchain (ganache) by yourself and possibly some additional settings in truffle-config.js like:

commenting lines 12 through 16

  // development: {
  //   host: "ganache-cli",   // Ganache
  //   port: 8546,            // Standard Ethereum port (default: none)
  //   network_id: "*",       // Any network (default: none)
  // },

Or Using Docker

$ docker-compose up -d --build


  • Auction Functionality