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  1. findAndReplace.go
  • Time Complexity: O(nm), where n is the length of the input file and m is the length of the search string. Therefore, the overall time complexity of the program is O(nm).

    Space Complexity: O(n)

  • This is a command-line tool written in Go that finds and replaces text in a file. It provides various options to customize the find and replace operation.

  • Usage:

    findreplace [options] <file>
    -T, --t TEXT : Text to find.
    -R, --r TEXT : Text to replace with.
    -file FILE : File to modify.
    -f FILE : Alternative file to modify (shorthand).
    -C, --case CASE : Specify case sensitivity (ci for case insensitive, cs for case sensitive).
    -O, --out FILE : Output file.


    findreplace -T "foo" -R "bar" input.txt
    findreplace --t "foo" --r "bar" --out output.txt --case cs --file input.txt
  • Implementation Details: The tool uses the flag package to define and parse command-line arguments. The ioutil package is used to read and write files.

  • The tool checks if both -T and -R options are provided. It also checks if either -file, -f, or input file path are provided. The tool uses the strings.ReplaceAll function to find and replace text. The case sensitivity option can be specified with -C or --case. The default case sensitivity is case-insensitive. The output is written to the file specified with -O or --out.

  • If an error occurs during the operation, the tool prints an error message and exits with a non-zero status code. Otherwise, it prints a success message and the path of the output file.

  1. binarySearch.go
  • Time Complexity: O(log n), where where n is the number of elements in the input array.

    Space Complexity: O(1)

  • This is a command-line tool written in Go that finds the index of the given list by binary search.

  1. dynamicMySQLEnvironments.go
  • This is a tool to adjust MySQL Environments dynamically using multiple parameters such as the read only and the innodb_buffer_pool_size, as well as to print the DB server host information into a table.

  • The code can be run with go run dynamicMySQLEnvironments.go -h,,,

  1. dynamicAuditLogMySQL.go
  • This tool will change MySQL global variables to help you manage your MySQL audit logs.
  • This script will SSH to DB Servers and change the audit_log_include_accounts to include all of the accounts with the MySQL 'CREATE' privilege.
  • Usage:
    To use this tool, you need to provide the following parameters:
    -h: The MySQL server host.
    -P: The MySQL server port.
    -u: The MySQL server username.
    -p: The MySQL server password.
    -t: The audit log policy to set (optional, default: ALL).
  • Here is an example command to set the audit log policy to NONE for a MySQL server running on localhost: go run dynamicAuditLogMySQL -h {yourhost} -u {youruser} -p {yourpassword} -t LOGINS
  1. TerraformGolang
  1. mysqldumpCommandCreator
  • mysqldump command creator based on the database list inside your db server.
  • this tool will automatically generate mysqldump commands based on the .txt file that must be filled with all of the databases in the server.
  • get the server IP and turn it into a server id for MySQL Configuration


Some of my automation tool scripts!







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