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Bilal Salha edited this page Jul 11, 2021 · 4 revisions


Config Key Default Value Description
only-disable-fly false Toggle if only fly is deactivated instead of printer when an enemy is nearby
no-fall-damage-seconds 5 Number of seconds after exiting printer before taking fall damage
only-break-placed true Toggle whether player can only break blocks placed during printer
require-empty-inventory false Toggle whether inventory must be empty before entering printer
player-check-radius 64 Number of blocks before player is considered "nearby"
allow-in-wilderness false Toggle whether one can use printer in a place which is not claimed by anyone
allow-near-non-members false Toggle whether one can use printer when players who aren't a member of their group are nearby
unbreakable-blocks BEDROCK, BARRIER, ENDER_PORTAL_FRAME, DRAGON_EGG Blocks you can't break during printer
unplaceable-blocks POTION, MONSTER_EGG Blocks you can't place during printer
allowed-commands f*, printer*, bal*, tp*, etp *, msg % % Commands you can execute during printer, * means anything after * is accepted, % means if an argument is present there it is accepted true Toggle whether Factions hook is enabled
factions.allow-near-allies true Toggle whether printer is allowed when allies are nearby
shop.shopguiplus-support true Toggle whether ShopGuiPlus hook is enabled
shop.zshop-support false Toggle whether zShop hook is enabled
shop.dynamicshop-support false Toggle whether DynamicShop hook is enabled
skyblock.superior-skyblock-support false Toggle whether SuperiorSkyblock hook is enabled
skyblock.bento-box-support false Toggle whether BentoBox hook is enabled
skyblock.iridiumskyblock-support false Toggle whether IridiumSkyblock hook is enabled
skyblock.askyblock-support false Toggle whether ASkyblock hook is enabled false Toggle whether Residence hook is enabled false Toggle whether Lands hook is enabled false Toggle whether GriefDefender hook is enabled false Toggle whether ClaimChunk hook is enabled
tooltip-notification.enabled true Toggle whether message above action bar is displayed showing various status messages
tooltip-notification.seconds 5 Amount of seconds between each tooltip notification is sent
scoreboard.enabled true Toggle if scoreboard is enabled
scoreboard.margin 32 Amount of spaces to put between edge of screen and the scoreboard
scoreboard.title '&d&lPrinter'
scoreboard.cost-score-title '&7Cost&f:'
scoreboard.cost-format '&c${NUM}'
scoreboard.blocks-score-title '&7Blocks&f:'
scoreboard.blocks-format '&a{NUM}'
scoreboard.balance-score-title '&7Balance&f:'
scoreboard.balance-format '&a${NUM}'
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