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fberetta8 committed Aug 31, 2020
2 parents f9e2838 + 45d485b commit f729ca8
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291 changes: 291 additions & 0 deletions btclib/
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (C) 2020 The btclib developers
# This file is part of btclib. It is subject to the license terms in the
# LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this distribution.
# No part of btclib including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated,
# or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file.

"""Elliptic curve point multiplication functions.
The implemented algorithms are:
- Montgomery Ladder
- Scalar multiplication on basis 3
- Fixed window
- Sliding window
- w-ary non-adjacent form (wNAF)
- Computational cost of the different multiplications
- New alghoritms at the state-of-art:
- Constant time alghortims:
- Elegance in the code
- Solve problem with wNAF and w=1
- Multi_mult algorithm: why does it work?

from typing import List

from .alias import INFJ, JacPoint
from .curvegroup import CurveGroup

def convert_number_to_base(i: int, base: int) -> List[int]:
"Return the digits of an integer in the requested base."

digits: List[int] = []
while i or not digits:
i, idx = divmod(i, base)
return digits[::-1]

def mods(m: int, w: int) -> int:
"""Signed modulo function.
mods does NOT work for w=1.
However the function in NOT really meant to be used for w=1
For w=1 it always gives back -1 and enters an infinite loop

w2 = pow(2, w)
M = m % w2
return M - w2 if M >= (w2 / 2) else M

def precomputed_list(Q: JacPoint, base: int, ec: CurveGroup) -> List[JacPoint]:
"Return precomputed values of kQ for k in (0, base)"

k = base // 2
T = [INFJ, Q]
for i in (1, k):
T.append(ec._add_jac(T[2 * i], Q))

"""if base % 2 == 1:
T.append(ec._double_jac(T[k]) """
return T

def _mult_mont_ladder(m: int, Q: JacPoint, ec: CurveGroup) -> JacPoint:
"""Scalar multiplication using 'Montgomery ladder' algorithm.
This implementation uses
'Montgomery ladder' algorithm,
'left-to-right' binary decomposition of the m coefficient,
Jacobian coordinates.
It is constant-time and resistant to the FLUSH+RELOAD attack,
as it prevents branch prediction avoiding any if.
The input point is assumed to be on curve and
the m coefficient is assumed to have been reduced mod n
if appropriate (e.g. cyclic groups of order n).

if m < 0:
raise ValueError(f"negative m: {hex(m)}")

# R[0] is the running resultR[1] = R[0] + Q is an ancillary variable
R = [INFJ, Q]
for i in [int(i) for i in bin(m)[2:]]:
R[not i] = ec._add_jac(R[i], R[not i])
R[i] = ec._double_jac(R[i])
return R[0]

def _mult_base_3(m: int, Q: JacPoint, ec: CurveGroup) -> JacPoint:
"""Scalar multiplication using ternary decomposition of the scalar.
This implementation uses
'double & add' algorithm,
'left-to-right' biternaryary decomposition of the m coefficient,
Jacobian coordinates.
The input point is assumed to be on curve and
the m coefficient is assumed to have been reduced mod n
if appropriate (e.g. cyclic groups of order n).

if m < 0:
raise ValueError(f"negative m: {hex(m)}")

# at each step one of the points in T will be added
T = [INFJ, Q, ec._double_jac(Q)]
digits = convert_number_to_base(m, 3)
R = T[digits[0]]
for i in digits[1:]:
# 'triple'
R2 = ec._double_jac(R)
R3 = ec._add_jac(R2, R)
# and 'add'
R = ec._add_jac(R3, T[i])
return R

def _mult_fixed_window(m: int, Q: JacPoint, w: int, ec: CurveGroup) -> JacPoint:
"""Scalar multiplication using "fixed window".
It is not constant time.
For 256-bit scalars choose w=4 or w=5.
The input point is assumed to be on curve and
the m coefficient is assumed to have been reduced mod n
if appropriate (e.g. cyclic groups of order n).

if m < 0:
raise ValueError(f"negative m: {hex(m)}")

# a number cannot be written in basis 1 (ie w=0)
if w <= 0:
raise ValueError(f"non positive w: {w}")

base = pow(2, w)
# at each step one of the points in T will be added
T = [INFJ, Q]
for i in range(2, base):
T.append(ec._add_jac(T[i - 1], Q))
digits = convert_number_to_base(m, base)
R = T[digits[0]]
for i in digits[1:]:
# multiple 'double'
for _ in range(w):
R = ec._double_jac(R)
# and 'add'
R = ec._add_jac(R, T[i])
return R

def _mult_sliding_window(m: int, Q: JacPoint, w: int, ec: CurveGroup) -> JacPoint:
"""Scalar multiplication using "sliding window".
It has the benefit that the pre-computation stage
is roughly half as complex as the normal windowed method.
It is not constant time.
For 256-bit scalars choose w=4 or w=5.
The input point is assumed to be on curve and
the m coefficient is assumed to have been reduced mod n
if appropriate (e.g. cyclic groups of order n).

if m < 0:
raise ValueError(f"negative m: {hex(m)}")

# a number cannot be written in basis 1 (ie w=0)
if w <= 0:
raise ValueError(f"non positive w: {w}")

k = w - 1
p = pow(2, k)

P = Q
for _ in range(k):
P = ec._double_jac(P)

# at each step one of the points in T will be added
T = [P]
for i in range(1, p):
T.append(ec._add_jac(T[i - 1], Q))

digits = convert_number_to_base(m, 2)

i = 0
while i < len(digits):
if digits[i] == 0:
R = ec._double_jac(R)
i += 1
j = len(digits) - i if (len(digits) - i) < w else w
t = digits[i]
for a in range(1, j):
t = 2 * t + digits[i + a]

if j < w:
for b in range(i, (i + j)):
R = ec._double_jac(R)
if digits[b] == 1:
R = ec._add_jac(R, Q)
return R
for _ in range(w):
R = ec._double_jac(R)
R = ec._add_jac(R, T[t - p])
i += j
return R

def _mult_w_NAF(m: int, Q: JacPoint, w: int, ec: CurveGroup) -> JacPoint:
"""Scalar multiplication in Jacobian coordinates using wNAF.
This implementation uses the same method called "w-ary non-adjacent form" (wNAF)
we make use of the fact that point subtraction is as easy as point addition to perform fewer operations compared to sliding-window
In fact, on Weierstrass curves, known P, -P can be computed on the fly.
The input point is assumed to be on curve and
the m coefficient is assumed to have been reduced mod n
if appropriate (e.g. cyclic groups of order n).
if m < 0:
raise ValueError(f"negative m: {hex(m)}")

# a number cannot be written in basis 1 (ie w=0)
if w <= 0:
raise ValueError(f"non positive w: {w}")

# This exception must be kept to satisfy the following while loop
if m == 0:
return INFJ

i = 0

M: List[int] = []
while m > 0:
if (m % 2) == 1:
M.append(mods(m, w))
m -= M[i]
m //= 2
i += 1

p = i

b = pow(2, w)

Q2 = ec._double_jac(Q)
T = [Q]
for i in range(1, (b // 2)):
T.append(ec._add_jac(T[i - 1], Q2))
for i in range((b // 2), b):
T.append(ec.negate_jac(T[i - (b // 2)]))

for j in range(p - 1, -1, -1):
R = ec._double_jac(R)
if M[j] != 0:
if M[j] > 0:
# It adds the element jQ
R = ec._add_jac(R, T[(M[j] - 1) // 2])
# In this case it adds the opposite, ie -jQ
R = ec._add_jac(R, T[(b // 2) - ((M[j] + 1) // 2)])
return R

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