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dmitrybond edited this page Jul 2, 2012 · 10 revisions

The concept

Seelog provides functionality to change format of messages that are sent to byte receivers. Formats are set in 'formats' config section, like this:

    <format id="common" format="[%LEV] %Msg"/>
    <format id="critical" format="%Time %Date %RelFile %Func %Msg"/>
    <format id="criticalemail" format="Critical error on our server!\n    %Time %Date %RelFile %Func %Msg \nSent by Seelog"/>

Each 'format' node has an 'id' and 'format' attributes. Id is a unique identifier of the format that is used to link format to dispatchers/receivers. The 'format' attribute is used to specify the format string with special 'verbs', starting with '%' symbol. These verbs are replaced with context values or special strings when message is written to byte receiver.

To check how formats are linked to dispatchers/receivers, check the 'Formatting' part of this section: Dispatchers-and-receivers

List of verbs

Check the Reference.

Predefined formats

Check the Predefined formats section.