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Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as motor neuron disease, is a disease that does not impair the mental functions of the patient, but gradually loses muscle control. However, the eyelids of the patient do not lose their function for a long time. For this reason, blink communication is a recommended solution for ALS patients. What is desired within the scope of the project is coding around 10 words as blink, resolving the blink message using signal processing techniques and writing on the Raspberry Pi Screen.

The project detects the amount of blink in spesific time and understand the meaning of blink. For example, ıf there is 2 blinks in 10 seconds, which means the user want apple as desired food and raspberry pi is going to show Apple image.

You can see my project video:

User should also download shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat for Dlib library.