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further work on pitch fns - still loads to do
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samaaron committed Apr 15, 2011
1 parent ce93062 commit 044b32a
Showing 1 changed file with 145 additions and 37 deletions.
182 changes: 145 additions & 37 deletions src/overtone/music/pitch.clj
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:A# 10 :a# 10 :Bb 10 :bb 10
:B 11 :b 11})

(defn resolve-note
"Resolves note to MIDI number format. Resolves upper and lower-case keywords
and strings in MIDI note format. If given an integer or nil, returns them
unmodified. All other inputs will raise an exception.
Usage examples:
(resolve-note \"C4\") ;=> 60
(resolve-note \"C#4\") ;=> 61
(resolve-note \"eb2\") ;=> 39
(resolve-note :F#7) ;=> 102
(resolve-note :db5) ;=> 73
(resolve-note 60) ;=> 60
(resolve-note nil) ;=> nil"

(nil? note) nil
(integer? note) (if (>= note 0)
(throw (Exception.
(str "Unable to resolve note: " note ". Value is out of range. Lowest value is 0"))))
(keyword? note) (resolve-note (name note))
(string? note) (let [midi-note-re #"\A([a-gA-G][#b]?)([-0-9]+\Z)"
separated (re-find midi-note-re note)
_ (when (nil? separated)
(throw (Exception.
(str "Unable to resolve note: " note ". Does not appear to be in MIDI format i.e. C#4"))))

[_ pitch-class octave] separated
octave (Integer. octave)
_ (when (< octave -1)
(throw (Exception.
(str "Unable to resolve note: " note ". Octave is out of range. Lowest octave value is -1"))))
_ (println "pc: " pitch-class)
interval (NOTE (keyword pitch-class))
_ (println "int" interval)

_ (when (nil? interval)
(throw (Exception.
(str "Unable to resolve note: " note ". Not a valid pitch class such as C or Db"))))]
(+ interval 12 (* 12 octave)))
:else (throw (Exception. (str "Unable to resolve note: " note ". Wasn't a recognised format (either an integer, keyword, string or nil)")))))

;; * Each note in a scale acts as either a generator or a collector of other notes,
;; depending on their relations in time within a sequence.
;; - How can this concept be developed into parameterized sequences with knobs for
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:messiaen6 [2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1]
:messiaen7 [1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1]}))

(defn resolve-scale
"Either looks the scale up in the map of SCALEs if it's a keyword or simply
returns it unnmodified. Allows users to specify a scale either as a seq
such as [2 2 1 2 2 2 1] or by keyword such as :aeolian"
(if (keyword? scale)
(SCALE scale)

(defn scale-field [skey & [sname]]
"Create the note field for a given scale. Scales are specified with a keyword
representing the key and an optional scale name (defaulting to :major):
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i.e. the ionian/major scale has an interval sequence of 2 2 1 2 2 2 1
therefore the 4th degree is (+ 2 2 1 2) semitones from the start of the
([n] (nth-interval :ionian n))
([n] (nth-interval :scale n))
([scale n]
(reduce + (take n (cycle (scale SCALE))))))

(def DEGREE {:i 1
:ii 2
:iii 3
:iv 4
:v 5
:vi 6
:vii 7})
(def DEGREE {:i 1
:ii 2
:iii 3
:iv 4
:v 5
:vi 6
:vii 7
:_ nil})

(defn resolve-degree
(if (some #{degree} (keys DEGREE))
(degree DEGREE)
(throw (Exception. (str "Unable to resolve degree: " degree ". Was expecting a roman numeral in the range :i -> :vii or the nil-note symbol :_")))))

(defn degree->interval
"Converts the degree of a scale given as a roman numeral keyword or integer
and converts it to the number of intervals (semitones) from the tonic of the
specified scale."
[scale degree & [shift]]
(let [shift (or shift 0)]
(.endsWith (name degree) ".")
(degree->interval scale (keyword (chop (name degree))) (- shift 12))

(.endsWith (name degree) "*")
(degree->interval scale (keyword (chop (name degree))) (+ shift 12))

(+ shift
(if-let [deg (DEGREE degree)]
(nth-interval scale (dec deg))
(nth-interval scale (dec degree)))))))
"Converts the degree of a scale given as a roman numeral keyword and converts
it to the number of intervals (semitones) from the tonic of the specified
([degree scale] (degree->interval degree scale 0))
([degree scale shift]
(nil? degree) nil
(= :_ degree) nil

(number? degree) (+ shift (nth-interval scale (dec degree)))

(keyword? degree) (cond
(.endsWith (name degree) "-")
(degree->interval (keyword (chop (name degree))) scale (- shift 12))

(.endsWith (name degree) "+")
(degree->interval (keyword (chop (name degree))) scale (+ shift 12))

(+ shift (nth-interval scale (dec (resolve-degree degree))))))))

(defn degrees->pitches
"Convert intervals to pitches in MIDI number format. Supports nested collections."
[degrees scale root]
(let [root (resolve-note root)
_ (when (nil? root)
(throw (Exception. (str "root resolved to a nil value. degrees->pitches requires a non-nil root."))))]
(map (fn [degree]
(coll? degree) (degrees degree scale root)
(nil? degree) nil
:default (let [interval (degree->interval degree scale)]
(if (nil? interval) nil
(+ root interval)))))

(defn resolve-degrees
"Either maps the degrees to integers if they're keywords using the map DEGREE
or leaves them unmodified"
(map #(if (keyword? %) (DEGREE %) %) degrees))

(defn degrees
[ds scale root]
(let [ds (resolve-degrees)

(defn scale
([root scale-name] (scale root scale-name (range 1 8) 4))
([root scale-name degrees] (scale root scale-name degrees 4))
([root scale-name degrees octave]
(let [root (resolve-note root)
degrees (resolve-degrees degrees)
scale (resolve-scale scale-name)
base (octave-note octave root)]
(map #(+ % base) scale))))

(def CHORD
(let [major [0 4 7]
minor [0 3 7]
major7 [0 4 7 11]
dom7 [0 4 7 10]
minor7 [0 3 7 10]
aug [0 4 8]
dim [0 3 6]
dim7 [0 3 6 9]]
(let [major #{0 4 7}
minor #{0 3 7}
major7 #{0 4 7 11}
dom7 #{0 4 7 10}
minor7 #{0 3 7 10}
aug #{0 4 8}
dim #{0 3 6}
dim7 #{0 3 6 9}]
{:major major
:M major
:minor minor
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:dim7 dim7
:i7 dim7}))

(defn resolve-chord
"Either looks the chord up in the map of CHORDs if it's a keyword or simply
returns it unnmodified. Allows users to specify a chord either with a set
such as #{0 4 7} or by keyword such as :major"
(if (keyword? chord)
(CHORD chord)

(defn chord
"Returns a set of notes for the specified chord at the specified octave
(defaulting to 4).
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([root chord-name] (chord root chord-name 4))
([root chord-name octave]
(let [root (if (keyword? root) (NOTE root) root)
chord-name (if (keyword? chord-name) (CHORD chord-name) chord-name)
base (octave-note octave root)]
(set (map #(+ % base) chord-name)))))
(let [root (resolve-note root)
chord (resolve-chord chord-name)]
(set (map #(+ % root) chord)))))

; midicps
(defn midi->hz
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