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Operation and Configuration

bulldog2011 edited this page Apr 20, 2013 · 6 revisions



Luxun can work on normal PC with small memory, however, for production usage, it is recommended to use Luxun on server grade machine with at least 4GB memory, >8GB memory is recommended, such that active log pages can be cached for better performance.

Luxun throughput is basically limited by disk and network bandwidth, for better performance, it's recommended to use Luxun with ultra fast disk; 1Gbps network is ok, 10Gbps network is recommended, in network bandwidth limited environment, compression can improve the network utilization a lot.


Luxun has been tested on Windows 7 with NTFS filesytem, CentOS 6.3 and Ubuntun 12.04 with ext4 filesytem, on all these platforms, the performance of Luxun is quite good.


Luxun has been tested on Oracle JDK 1.6.x.

>java -version
java version "1.6.0_38"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_38-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.13-b02, mixed mode)

According to our testing, even without additional JVM heap setting, Luxun can work smoothly, you may add additional heap memory to Luxun according to your particular appliction. To set JVM options, you can set the JAVA_OPTS environment variable before you run luxun server script, for example, JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx4g, or you may change the Luxun sever script directly.


Note, according to our testing:

The most important server configuration for performance is the control of the disk flush rate. The most often data is flushed to disk, the more "seek-bound" Luxun will be and the lower the throughput. It is recommended to disable flush on Luxun broker, since in most cases flush is not necessary because of the unique feature of memory mapped file leveraged by Luxun internally. You may enable flush only if you need transactional reliability and you are aware of the cost to performance, the flush behavior can be set by either giving a timeout(flush at most every 30 seconds, say) or a number of messages(flush every 1000 messages), this can be overriden at the topic level, if needed.

The most imporant client configurations for performance are:

  • compression
  • sync vs async producing
  • batch size
  • fetch size

You may adjust these configurations according to your real environment.

Important configuration properties for Luxun broker

More details about server configuration can be found in the class com.leansoft.luxun.server.ServerConfig.

name default description
brokerid none Each broker is uniquely identified by an id. This id serves as the brokers "name", and allows the broker to be moved to a different host/port without confusing consumers.
port 9092 the port to listen and accept connections on
monitoring.period.secs 600 the interval in which to measure performance statistics
log.dir none Specifies the root directory in which all log data is kept.
log.flush.count -1 Controls the number of messages accumulated in each topic in memory before the data is flushed to disk. Note: usually, explicit flush is not needed since: 1.) underlying log will automatically flush a cached page when it is replaced out, 2.) underlying log uses memory mapped file, and the OS will flush the changes even your process crashes. Set this property to a positive number only if you need transactional reliability and you are aware of the cost to performance.
log.retention.hours 24 * 7 The number of hours to keep a log file before deleting it
log.retention.size -1 the maximum size of the log before deleting it. This controls how large a log is allowed to grow, a negative number means no maximum size limiting.
topic.log.retention.hours none Topic-specific retention time that overrides log.retention.hours, e.g., topic1:10,topic2:20.
log.cleanup.interval.mins 10 Controls how often the log cleaner checks logs eligible for deletion. A log file is eligible for deletion if it hasn't been modified for log.retention.hours hours. -1 Controls the interval at which logs are checked to see if they need to be flushed to disk. A background thread will run at a frequency specified by this parameter and will check each log to see if it has exceeded its flush.interval time, and if so it will flush it. Note: usually, explicit flush is not needed since: 1.) underlying log will automatically flush a cached page when it is replaced out, 2.) underlying log uses memory mapped file, and the OS will flush the changes even your process crashes. Set this property to a positive number only if you need transactional reliability and you are aware of the cost to performance. Controls the maximum time that a message in any topic is kept in memory before flushed to disk. The value only makes sense if it's a multiple of log.default.flush.scheduler.interval .ms. Note: usually, explicit flush is not needed since: 1.) underlying log will automatically flush a cached page when it is replaced out, 2.) underlying log uses memory mapped file, and the OS will flush the changes even your process crashes. Set this property to a positive number only if you need transactional reliability and you are aware of the cost to performance. none Per-topic overrides for Controls the maximum time that a message in selected topics is kept in memory before flushed to disk. The per-topic value only makes sense if it's a multiple of E.g., topic1:10000,topic2:20000. Note: usually, explicit flush is not needed since: 1.) underlying log will automatically flush a cached page when it is replaced out, 2.) underlying log uses memory mapped file, and the OS will flush the changes even your process crashes. Set this property to a positive number only if you need transactional reliability and you are aware of the cost to performance.
max.message.size 1024 * 1024 maximum size of a single message that the server can receive 128 * 1024 * 1024 Controls the maximum size of a single log page file.
password none Authentication password for server administration, such as topic deleting.

Important configuration properties for the high-level consumer.

More details about consumer configuration can be found in the class com.leansoft.luxun.consumer.ConsumerConfig.

name default description
groupid none Aka fanoutid, is a string that uniquely identifies a set of consumers within the same consumer group. Must be set before a consumer can work.
broker.list none A list of broker to consume from, format - brokerid1:host1:port1,brokerid2:host2:port2. Must be set before a consumer can work.
consumerid none Optional consumer identifier 30 * 1000 controls the socket timeout for network requests
fetch.size 1024 * 1024 controls the number of bytes of messages to attempt to fetch in one request to the Luxun server 1000 This parameter avoids repeatedly polling a broker node which has no new data. We will backoff every time we get an empty set from the broker for this time period * 10 Maximum backoff time window
queuedchunks.max 100 the high level consumer buffers the messages fetched from the server internally in blocking queues. This parameter controls the size of those queues -1 By default, this value is -1 and a consumer blocks indefinitely if no new message is available for consumption. By setting the value to a positive integer, a timeout exception is thrown to the consumer if no message is available for consumption after the specified timeout value.
num.retries 0 In case there is any consumption exception, how many times should the underlying fetcher thread retry before it exists. A nagative number or zero means no retry.

Important configuration properties for the producer.

More details about producer configuration can be found in the class com.leansoft.luxun.producer.ProducerConfig.

name default description 5000 the maximum time spent by com.leansoft.luxun.producer.SyncProducer trying to connect to the luxun broker. Once it elapses, the producer throws an ERROR and stops. 30000 The socket timeout in milliseconds.
reconnect.count 30000 the number of produce requests after which com.leansoft.luxun.producer.SyncProducer tears down the socket connection to the broker and establishes it again. 1000 * 1000 * 10 the time window after which com.leansoft.luxun.producer.SyncProducer tears down the socket connection to the broker and establishes it again.
max.message.size 1000 * 1000 the maximum number of bytes that the com.leansoft.luxun.producer.SyncProducer can send as a single message payload
serializer.class com.leansoft.luxun.serializer.DefaultEncoder. This is a no-op encoder. The serialization of data to Message should be handled outside the Producer class that implements the com.leansoft.luxun.serializer.Encoder interface, used to encode data of type T into a Luxun message
broker.list none A list of broker to produce messages to, format-brokerid1:host1:port1,brokerid2:host2:port2. Must be set before a producer can work.
compression.codec 0 (No compression) This parameter allows you to specify the compression codec for all data generated by this producer. use 0 for no compression, 1 for GZip compression, 2 for Snappy compression.
compressed.topics none This parameter allows you to set whether compression should be turned on for particular topics. If the compression codec is anything other than NO_COMPRESSION, enable compression only for specified topics if any. If the list of compressed topics is empty, then enable the specified compression codec for all topics. If the compression codec is NO_COMPRESSION, compression is disabled for all topics.
producer.type sync this parameter specifies whether the messages are sent asynchronously or not. Valid values are - async for asynchronous batching send through com.leansoft.luxun.producer.async.AyncProducer; sync for synchronous send through com.leansoft.luxun.producer.SyncProducer.
partitioner.class com.leansoft.luxun.producer.DefaultPartitioner<T> - - uses the partitioning strategy hash(key)%num_brokers. If key is null, then it picks a random broker. class that implements the com.leansoft.luxun.producer.IPartitioner<K>, used to supply a custom partitioning strategy on the message key (of type K) that is specified through the ProducerData<K, V> object in the com.leansoft.luxun.producer.Producer<K, V> send API
Options for Asynchronous Producers (producer.type=async)
queue.time 5000 maximum time, in milliseconds, for buffering data on the producer queue. After it elapses, the buffered data in the producer queue is dispatched to the com.leansoft.luxun.producer.async.EventHandler.
queue.size 1000 the maximum size of the blocking queue for buffering on the com.leansoft.luxun.producer.async.AyncProducer 0 Control the enqueue behaviour if there is no space available in the blocking queue, 0 - will return failure and drop the message without waiting; a negative number - will wait till space available; a positive number - will wait till the specified timeout setting before returning failure and dropping the message.
batch.size 200 the number of messages batched at the producer, before being dispatched to the com.leansoft.luxun.producer.async.EventHandler
event.handler com.leansoft.luxun.producer.async.DefaultEventHandler<T> the class that implements com.leansoft.luxun.producer.async.EventHandler<T> used to dispatch a batch of produce requests, using an instance of com.leansoft.luxun.producer.SyncProducer.
event.handler.props none the java.util.Properties() object used to initialize the custom event.handler through its init() API
callback.handler none the class that implements com.leansoft.luxun.producer.async<T> used to inject callbacks at various stages of the com.leansoft.luxun.producer.async.AyncProducer pipeline.
callback.handler.props none the java.util.Properties() object used to initialize the custom callback.handler through its init() API
num.retries 0 If DefaultEventHandler is used, this specifies the number of times to retry if an error is encountered during send.