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Closed Nov 8, 2014 100% complete

Minor feature and bugfix release including:

  1. RequestBuilders that can be used for multiple loads
  2. A pre-filling API for the bitmap pool
  3. The Signature API to give users more control over caching and cache invalidation
  4. A substantial increase in the range of supported GIFs and a large number of stability and bugfixes for the GIF decoder.

Minor feature and bugfix release including:

  1. RequestBuilders that can be used for multiple loads
  2. A pre-filling API for the bitmap pool
  3. The Signature API to give users more control over caching and cache invalidation
  4. A substantial increase in the range of supported GIFs and a large number of stability and bugfixes for the GIF decoder.

This milestone is closed.

No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.