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bashboard is a responsive React app for taskkeeping. It lets you list, track and save your tasks. There are no component libraries/frameworks (except for react-icons) and all UI components are written from scratch using JSX and vanilla CSS.

widescreen screenshot in darkmode



widescreen screenshot in lightmode widescreen screenshot in darkmode

Click here to view the demonstration video above in YouTube.


responsive screenshot in darkmode responsive screenshot in darkmode responsive screenshot in lightmode

Used dependencies/APIs

  • clsx is used for conditionally constructing className strings for styling elements using the global App.css.
  • uuid is used to generate UUIDs for each task item.
  • react-icons is used for icons in buttons and modals.
  • Hooks such as useState, useEffect in functional components
  • Context hooks such as useReducer, useContext, createContext
  • Web Storage and JSON API for saving/reading app state in key, value pairs and parsing/stringifying them


The app employs a Provider/Consumer relationship between other components and the context, which holds todo objects, dark mode and clear/edit modal states, using useContext, createContext and useReducer hooks. The whole app is wrapped within a context provider component <AppLayer \> and all of its child components are consumers of it. This way, consumers can access context state without it being percolated down the component tree using props, and they can use this state to dispatch certain actions, with or without payloads, to do certain changes back to it. reducer receives these actions and handles the state change accordingly, and centralizes all state-related code in one place. The app state is persistently kept in local browser storage using localStorage methods in each reducer action.

context architecture