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Releases: bwapi/bwapi

BWAPI 4.4.0

12 Mar 12:31
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  • Fixed known 4.3.0 crashes
  • Bots get messages from users send even if BWAPI::Flag::UserInput is disabled, they can decide if they want to act on that themselves
  • Noncopying builds are the default, you don't need to change configuration on BWAPILib when building it in your bot solution.
  • GetBuildUnit for producing units now return the barracks, gateway, nexus etc building them.
  • Client bots are timed
  • getApproxDistance fixed, now uses the OpenBW calculations.
  • Orange players now return the correct colors
  • IsBuildable fixed to account for some doodads

Bots build differently now. Instead of linking to BWAPI/lib/BWAPILIB.lib, add the BWAPILIB project as a dependency to your bot. BWAPILIB.lib will be built to your bots output directory if it doesn't exist or is outdated (due to compiler updates). Using a locally built BWAPILIB.lib does not break compatibility with existing BWAPI.dlls.

You are always compatible with another BWAPI.dll as long as they are both built from the same BWAPI version. We're no longer including the prebuilt .lib files due to the many compatibility breaking compiler updates pushed to Visual Studio 2017.

See the full changelog.

BWAPI 4.3.0

01 Mar 20:13
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Long overdue update consisting of

  • No targeting of invisible units on frame 0
  • unit->getEnergy() no longer returns the energy of enemy units
  • [...]_NoCopy project configurations
  • Fixed various client desync issues
  • Latcom rewrite

See the full changelog.

BWAPI 4.2.0

28 Apr 06:14
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Long overdue update consisting of

  • Update to VC++ 2017
  • Locking client/server bridge version so there are no more backwards-incompatible issues in the future.
  • Fixed a bug where you could not inject BWAPI using Chaoslauncher in WINE.
  • Many more bug fixes.

See the full changelog.

For those getting The object or library file '../lib/BWAPI.lib' was created with an older compiler...

  1. Request a new build through the issue tracker. We can build a new version quite easily through AppVeyor, there is no need to build it yourself.
  2. Complain to Microsoft. This is seriously out of control, and pretty weird that Visual Studio can't support older libraries built on the same major version.

BWAPI 4.1.2

15 Jul 14:53
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  • Fixed Player::incompleteUnitCount returning negative values.
  • Fixed a major bug preventing Mutalisks from being morphed if a Spire was morphing into a Greater Spire.
  • Fixed a client bug that caused the initial unit set to include invalid units.
  • Added some new convenience functions.

This release is backwards compatible with previous 4.1.x releases. See the changes for more details.

BWAPI 3.7.5

15 Jul 14:53
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This is a courtesy release containing back-ported bug fixes. This release is in all ways compatible with 3.7.4 modules. Therefore, it is recommended that tournaments use the BWAPI.dll from 3.7.5.

Since some older bots are still using 3.7.4, this release will address several major bugs that have been fixed in newer versions of BWAPI. Despite the release, support for BWAPI 3 is discontinued.

There are several important changes. The majority of the changes fix the following:

  • Crashes
  • Buffer overflows
  • Functionality
  • Screen positioning for the bottom of the map (often seen in tournament streams)
  • Several issues with client modules

BWAPI 4.1.1 Beta

05 May 16:21
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  • Adds some configuration option improvements.
  • Significantly improved documentation, including intellisense compatibility.
  • Fixes several major issues with BWAPI 4.1.0 Beta.

This release is backwards compatible with the previous release. See the changes for more details.

BWAPI v4.1.0-Beta

25 Jan 23:06
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This is a release of BWAPI 4.1.0 which was automatically generated by the new BWAPI build pipeline.

4.1.0 contains several changes, enhancements, and bug fixes.
Its primary changes consist of

  • Updating to Visual Studio 2013.
  • Changing the underlying container of sets to unordered_set.
  • Several bug fixes
  • Improved documentation

Note: This was re-released because of the regression addressed in 5af2392.

BWAPI 4.0.1 Beta

11 Feb 08:25
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This update fixes several important issues with the 4.0.0 beta release.

Additionally, interface pointers are now "hidden", and sources will need to be updated to reflect this change.

BWAPI 3.7.4

11 Feb 08:16
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This is an old release of BWAPI. It uses Visual C++ 2008.