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This repository implements the IBP-DL SVA algorithm from [dang2018,elvira2018].


Our instructions have been tested on Linux and Mac only. On Mac, you may need to install a compiler, e.g., gcc (as part of the XCode command line tools).

Install from sources

1. Clone this repository

git clone

And run


to complete the installation.

2. Test

The installation can be tested using the following simple command

python test

Usage examples

Work in Progress :)

Reproducible research

The folders 'exp_eusipco' and 'exp_cap' contain the code to reproduce the experiments in [dang2018,elvira2018].

This work is associated to the following papers

    title     = {Small variance asymptotics and bayesian nonparametrics for dictionary learning},
    author    = {Elvira, Clément and Dang, Hong-Phuong and Chainais, Pierre},
    booktitle = {Proc. European Signal Processing Conf. (EUSIPCO)},
    address   = {Rome, Italy},
    year      = {2018},
    month     = {Sept.},

    title     = {Vers une méthode d'optimisation non paramétrique pour l'apprentissage de dictionnaire en utilisant Small-Variance Asymptotics pour modèle probabiliste},
    author    = {Dang, Hong-Phuong and Elvira, Clément and Chainais, Pierre},
    booktitle = {(CAP)},
    address   = {Rouen, France},
    year      = {2018},
    month     = {Juin},