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The Summary of Creating a View Component using Razor Pages

View Components' File Structure

  • A View Component implementation follows a naming convention, demonstrated below.
  • Assuming to have two View Components named "Foo" and "Bar"
  • Each View Component has two parts - Code and View

/Domain.cs              // contains Domain models used by View Components

/Services/              // Services used by View Components
    IXyzService.cs      // Service Interface
    XyzService.cs       // Implementation of the Service

/ViewComponents/        // contains all View Components' Code files
    FooViewComponent.cs // "Foo" View Component (IXyzService is injected), the "Code" part
    BarViewComponent.cs // "Bar" View Component (IXyzService is injected), the "Code" part

                        // In the end, the "Code" part will return a "ViewComponent.View",
                        // and we specify for which View Component the View is intended
                        // by passing the name of the View Component, in this case, "Foo"
                        // or "Bar". eg: return View("Foo");
    _ViewImports.cshtml     // include View Components as tag helpers
                            // eg: @addTagHelper: *, ViewCompDemo <<< the project name
        Foo/default.cshtml  // "View" part of the Foo View Component
        Bar/default.cshtml  // "View" part of the Bar View Component

    Shared/_Layout.cshtml   // Example of View Component usage

/Startup.cs     // Setup the IOC container for XyzService, ready to be injected
                // into View Component's Code
                // eg:
                // services.AddTransient<IXyzService, XyzService>();

Two ways to Use View Components

  1. Directly calls Component's Invoke/Async("[Component-Name"], arg1 = "value1", arg2="value2"...);

        @await Component.InvokeAsync("Foo");
        @await Component.InvokeAsync("Bar", new Random().Next(1, 10));
  2. Uses a View Component as a tag helper

        <vc:bar id="new Random().Next(1,10)"></vc:bar>

Difference between Partial View and View Component

  • A View Component is much like a Partial View.

  • A View Component is self contained with Code and View parts.

  • A View Component is a way to separate of concerns, not depending on controller, and testable.

  • A Partial View uses Single File Approach, with needed models are injected into it.

  • Using a View Component can

    • callView Component's Invoke/Async(...);

          Invoke/Async("[Component-Name"], arg1 = "value1", arg2="value2"...);
    • use View Component as tag helper

          <vc:[view-component-name] arg1="value1" arg2="value2"></vc:[view-component-name]>
  • Using a Partial View by using the <partial> tag helper

        <partial name="_LoginPartial"/>