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Resolving Issues

Charles de Beauchesne edited this page May 13, 2020 · 2 revisions

An issue seems resolvable, and you feel motivated, that's great! 🎉

To ensure a good workflow, please follow these steps:

  • Always use issues. Clarify issue's name if needed. Split it if you plan to fix only a part of it,
  • assign the issue to yourself,
  • create a new branch, and commit your modifications. You can use several commit if needed, just keep them coherent and reviewable. At least one commit (the most relevant) must have a message like Fix #1234 where 1234 is the issue id,
  • once your modification is ready, push it and create a PR (or if you have drafted a PR, mark is a ready),
  • if during the PR process some modification are added, add them to your initial commit, and force-push it,
  • Once the PR is merged, go to your issue, and add it to the current milestone (create it if needed).