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oguyon edited this page Jul 5, 2023 · 3 revisions

1. Overview

The cacao-setup tool will be used to set up an AO control loop. See help section for more details :

$ cacao-setup -h

It may be easier to start with one of the existing cacao loop examples. To download and run an example, run cacao-loop-deploy. The script will do all the necessary setup (calling cacao-setup). For more details :

$ cacao-loop-deploy -h

One first step will be to choose a loop number (positive integer) and deformable mirror (DM) number (positive integer between 00 and 99) for the loop. This can be done by setting environment variables CACAO_LOOPNUMBER and CACAO_DMINDEX when calling the scripts (see help for more details).

⚠️ When running mupltiple loops on the same system, make sure they have different loop numbers, and point to the correct DM index (if in simulation mode, different DMs for each loop). To list current loops on a system, run cacao-loops. Example output:

$ cacao-loops

cacao loops on system :

LOOP  7 using DM 10 ( 50 x 50 )  NAME:      vispyr2
rootdir     : /mnt/data0/WORK/AOloop-cacao/vispyr2-rootdir
Last access script : /usr/local/milk/bin/cacao-aorun-001-dmsim
Last access time   : 2023-07-04 23:09:09.678325791 -1000

This shows that loopnumber 7 is already in use, connecting with DM index 10. If setting up a new loop we will then choose different loopnumber and DMindex values.

2. Useful tools and conventions

List all cacao scripts and brief description :

$ cacao-commands

Current streams on system :

$ milk-streamCTRL

Current function parameter structures on system :

$ milk-fpsCTRL

Current procinfo instances on system :

$ milk-procCTLR

For every milk and cacao command, options -hs and -h provide a 1-line description and an extend help message.