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QuickSlide is a basic JavaScript popup image viewer, ideal for lightweight gallery pages.


  1. Include the quickslide.js (or the minified equivalent) file at the bottom of your page:

     <script src="quickslide.js"></script>
  2. Add rel="quickslide" to any links you want to convert to popups:

     <a href="images/buslane_b.jpg" rel="quickslide">
       <img src="images/buslane_t.jpg"/>Bus Lane

Make sure these links point to images, otherwise QuickSlide will get confused.

That's it! QuickSlide is designed to be an unobtrusive, progressive enhancement to existing pages: it won't interfere with other JavaScript widgets or libraries, and your page won't break if for some reaon the code fails to load. It will also work on any links added to a page dynamically via JavaScript.

##Configuration There are a few options you can specify to control the behaviour of the popups. They are set using a <script> tag anywhere before the inclusion of the main quickslide.js file, like so:

QuickSlideConfig = {
  max_width: 800,
  max_height: 600,
  use_dimmer: true,
  absolute_position: true,
  show_caption: true,
  auto_fit: false,
  auto_detect: true,
  no_wait: true };

<script src="quickslide.js"></script>

An explanation of the options:

  • max_width, max_height: dimensions are in pixels. Specifying either will constrain the popup image to that size, maintaining aspect ratio. You can specify both. No default.

  • use_dimmer: set to true to also create a fixed-position <div> in addition to the popup box itself. It has an ID of quickslide-dimmer, is fixed-position and covers the whole window. Default value for this option is false.

  • absolute_position: set to true to make the popup scroll with the document. Default is false, which means the popup stays in the centre of the browser window even when you scroll up or down (i.e. it is displayed with position: fixed style).

  • show_caption: set to true to use the source link's title attribute as a caption for the popup image. You can use HTML in the title and it will be inserted as normal on the caption. Default is false. The caption is a <div> with an ID of quickslide-caption.

  • auto_fit: set this to false to allow popups to be larger than the browser window. Default is true.

  • auto_detect: set to true to have QuickSlide attempt to automatically detect links to images, even ones without a rel="quickslide" attribute. Only works for links whose URLs end in .jp[e]g, .png or .gif, and may have unintended side-effects, so use with caution. Default is false.

  • no_wait: set to true to initialise QuickSlide as soon as the browser has downloaded it. This is useful if if you are adding quickslide.js to your page after the DOM onload event has already fired (e.g. via insertion of a <script> tag). Default is false, meaning QuickSlide waits for the onload event before initialising.

You can (and should) use CSS to customise the appearance of the popup and associated elements – see the demo page and its CSS file for an example.


Basic JavaScript popup image viewer.






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