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1381 lines (940 loc) · 25.1 KB

File metadata and controls

1381 lines (940 loc) · 25.1 KB

Big Picture TODO

I'm reaching the point of limited gains with reducing syntax. There are still a few big things left:

  • Dot (.) back-refs will be huge
  • Inline Types will be huge for Art.Nano.*
  • await

Streamlining development is going to be my next focus:

  • Make webpack compile errors clearer
  • Try write-back mode for CaffeineMc for compile errors
  • Start a campaign to really make good compile-errors (and fix the totally broken ones)
  • Get help with source-maps. Why are mine ignore almost everywhere? But sometimes not?

Help with CoffeeScript conversion:

  • Allow for, but log a DEPRECATION
  • Can we make my old-style "array fromArray, (v, k) ->" lib a compile error? Right now they compile into something really broken.
  • Allow {\n\tblah\n} both for structuring and destructuring.

Syntax Highlighting

  • support the other syntax-highlighting file-type that everyone else uses
  • support starting blocks with """ at the end of a line instead of only at the start
  • support #{} block syntax highlighting

To Sort

double = 123 # wrongly gets matched as "do"
# parse-with-one-less-subblock doesn't work here:
# Caf:
find node in nextNodes when node.type == nextNodeType &&
  @_sequenceExistsInDag node

# parsed:
Caf.find(nextNodes, null, node => node.type === nextNodeType) &&

# should be:
  node => node.type === nextNodeType && this._sequenceExistsInDag(node)

# clearly "&&" is expecting a block to follow, but
# that possibility has been precluded.
# The tricky part is if you remove "&&", then
# we need the one-less-block requirement otherwise
# nextNodeType will be invoked as a function.
# Really what we want is to supress implicit function invocations
# (if we don't already have a with-block) unless there are 2 or more
# sub-blocks.
# BUT, we want to allow other explicit-expects-sub-blocks
#` should be a comment
: •  should be a word-string
# badjs: doesn't properly declare "temp" var
array a in-array b with array c in-array a
# this should not not need the trailing 'null'
# to return directly from the explicit return-statement
# It doesn't right now because the outer-most each gets
# wrapped in a "do" block.
  @ extract nodesByMergePriority
  each candidateList in-array nodesByMergePriority
    each i til candidateList.length - 1 by 1
      each j from i + 1 til candidateList.length by 1
        n1 = candidateList[i]
        n2 = candidateList[j]
        if @nodesAreMergable n1, n2
          return @withMergedNodes n1, n2
  null # should not be needed
# empty while should be OK
i = 10
while i--

this should probably work, but since it's not an actual NPM; it's built in, it doesn't


BREAKING CHANGE IDEA: simplify reduce - always

use the following format regardless of container-size

or number of inputs specified:

reduce last, value, key from container [inject first-last-value]

Why? I can never remember the sub-rules for reduce!

Also, I want a comprehension that returns the last result like 'while':

reduce _, value from container value

the problem is "sum" in its nicest form evaluates "+" one less than the number

of values.

reduce sum, value from container inject 0 sum + value

2019-08: Right now reduce skips undefined values, assigns last

to the first undefined value, and invokes with on the remaining values.

ARG - reduce actually makes sense as-is. The reduce operation combines

values pair-wise until there is only one.

Perhaps it makes more sense to change the return-value of "each"

I've yet to find a case where returning the container is what I want.

Occasionally I want the last value like "while"

It would also increase consistency - while and each work the same!

I'm also starting to think of "statements" as also in this group of

concepts - its actually a "sequence expression" - eval each returning last.

OOO - and "each til 10" - what should that even return under the old scheme?

under this new idea, it returns 9;

2019-08-31: I actually like BOTH the new `each`-return-value AND simplifying `reduce`. Reduce should NOT skip values. Reduce should invoke once per source value. The reduced-value is undefined unless inject is specified.

I think I like the idea of the alternate way to specify inject is to use defaults. However, logically for other comprehensions, should be applied every loop:

reduce sum = 0, value from container with sum + value

Honestly, I'm ok with that inconsistency! Reduce's first parameter is special anyway. So what if it only initializes once while value and key would initialize every time? Actually, only value makes sense to have defaults. Key is always a string.

compile error

object i til turingStore.length by 10

should logically be:

object i in array i til turingStore.length by 10

new: subclassof

Neptune.PackageNamespace subclassof Neptune.Namespace


Neptune.PackageNamespace.prototype instanceof Neptune.Namespace

Change how we handle `__filename` - I just figured out how NODE.js does it! When you require code, it is evaluated within this function. Therefor, those 5 values should all be considered 'global' and should all be handled the same way. I think the first 3 are, but we need to add `__filename` and `__dirname`.

(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) {
  // ...

# bad JS
haveColor = find color in-object @colors when color
# defaultState isn't defined? What?!?!
import Foo
class NewTrackingState extends FluxSubscriptionsMixin ApplicationState

  @stateFields defaultState =
    colors:   {}

  constructor: ->
    @onNextReady ->
      @subscribe {}
        modelName:  :newTrackingNavState
        key:        :selectedDate
        updatesCallback:  ({data}) ->
          @models.vegLog.getTracking @models.newTrackingNavState.selectedDateText
          .then (data) -> @setState merge defaultState, data
# new feature
  b: 2
  object v, k in foo with v * 2

# object goes "into" the {}-created object
temp = a: a, b: 2
object v, k in foo with v * 2 into temp
# new feature: stop comprehension when
# motivation: another way to avoid using "break"

array v from 1 10 100 until v == 10
# v = [] 1

array v from 1 10 100 unto v == 10
# v = [] 1, 10

# Note this uses the same semantics as "til" and "to":
#  "til v"  - stop BEFORE v
#  "to v"   - stop AFTER v
# compile error
when if a then b else c
else 555

# actual use case:
when extract? response
# compile error for this:
object a from-array b
# new & change: /// regex blocks should accept any kind of string:

new:    /// "hi there"
equals: /// #{"hi there"}
equals: /hi there/
# new feature:

foo.:bar.bob .baz
# equals:
# Caf compile fails:
object k in-array functionsToBindList into @
  if prototypeMethod = prototype[k]
    fastBind prototypeMethod, @
# what about 'unless' as a negative 'when'?
# It conflicts with tail-unless... but I really want it! Hrm.
# I think we really need a diff keyword. Consistency first, functionality second.
# The advantags is it lets us use less parenthesis
array foo in bar when !(foo in baz)
# vs
array foo in bar when-not foo in baz

# when-not may be interesting; we could also do when-exists or when-not-exists
# In other words, we could chain unary operator-tests, but as a block which keeps
# syntax-low.... maybe...
# how hard would it be to support this CaffeineScript solution?
# It currently is a syntax error, so presumably it's really easy - i.e. it shouldn't conflict with anything.
# It should just be another custom operator, just one with a "_" rule inbetween
a not in b
# can we fix this easy? I think so:

# unindented comment before block
# OOPS! 'return' doesn't actually return
  array i in a
    return [i] if i == 5

# The problem is since 'while' is used as an expression, it's wrapped
# in a function. Therefor the 'return' only returns from that wrapper,
# not the user's function.

# Coffee-script actually appears to get this wrong:
# CoffeeScript's output:
(function() {
  var i, j, len;
  for (j = 0, len = a.length; j < len; j++) {
    i = a[j];
    if (i === 10) {
      return [i];
  # << should return comprehension here

# Note it doesn't return the for-comprehension result if i never === 10.

# Another scenario:
  a = array i in a
    return [i] if i == 5


# CoffeeScript has a fit - i.e. has a syntax error: [stdin]:3:5: error: cannot use a pure statement in an expression

# I think we can solve both of these scenarios within the limitations of JavaScript:
# For example:
# IN
  array i in a
    return [i] if i == 10

(function() {
  var i, j, len, into = [];
  for (j = 0, len = a.length; j < len; j++) {
    i = a[j];
    if (i === 10) {
      return [i];
    into[j] = i
  return into;

However, I don't think we can do-so in a general-purpose way without "expression disection",

Which basically means taking each little sub-expression, moving them into individual statements,
saving their return-value in a temp, and then doing the next "higher" sub-expression.

But... can we even do that if, say, we have nested comprehensions and the return is in the innermost one?

I think we should at least do what coffeescript does, and I think we can also support the "a = array b"
scenario. This lets the user effectively refactor their code to have the same intent - plus one explicit
temp var. Else, we should report an error. At least for now.
  foo array i in a
    return [i] if i == 5

(function() {
  var i, j, len, into = [];
  for (j = 0, len = a.length; j < len; j++) {
    i = a[j];
    if (i === 10) {
      return [i];
    into[j] = i
  return foo into;

# Applying "foo" is now a more complex scenario.
# efficiency
out = each in-array a
  let out, from, to, i, into; out =
  (from = a || [],
  to = from.length,
  i = 0,
  into = from,
  (() => {while (i < to) {let v; v = from[i]; v; i++;};})(),

We'd like this to NOT create function-wrap around the while-loop.

We could at least detect the above situation - when the result is immediately
assigned to a value as a Statement. We could refactor this easily - replacing 'todo' with 'out'
and converting it all to statements:

  let out, from, to, i;
  from = a || [];
  to = from.length;
  i = 0;
  out = from;
  while (i < to) {let v; v = from[i]; v; i++;};

We could also be lazier and just add 'out = into' to the end, and otherwise treating it as statements.
  let out, from, to, i, into;
  from = a || [];
  to = from.length;
  i = 0;
  into = from;
  while (i < to) {let v; v = from[i]; v; i++;};
  out = into;

# naming the key in from-object doesn't work
each v, k4 from-object source
  _into[k4] = v
The interpolation fails to parse, which then means it becomes part of the string!

This is another example of a "hard-fail" parse. We need a way for partially-matched
sub-patterns to hard-fail (all parsing fails - well, I guess not all, but the parent
string shouldn't succeed). In this case, it should be something like:
  could-match-interpolation OR continue matching WITHOUT interpolation-start

In this case, there's another thing going on which is weird. It looks like this
shoudl parse just fine and the "b" should NOT be in the interpolation block, but
since the interpolation block starts indented, it isn't obvious that PARSING
is going to start back at the STRING-BLOCK's indention level - which means PARSING
sees the "b" as indented relative to the interpolation-block.

All of which means... we need some rule that makes more sense here. Options:

a) if the interpolation is indented with white-space, the block must be further indented

    #{} foo
      This would be in
    This would be out

b) interpolation body-block must ALWAYS be more indented than the #{}, regardless of
  what characters came before the "#{}". Example:

    this is nice #{} foo
                  This would be in

    this is nice #{} foo
                 This would be out

c) #{} can always be used as a "to-the-end-of-line", but it can only consume following lines
   if all chars before it were whitespace. (extreme version of options-a)


    #{} foo
      This would be in

    this is nice #{} foo
                     Even this would be out

GUT: I'm liking option-c.

    #{} "this should be in an interpolation"
# should be the same
a = (1;2;3)
# javascript: a = (1,2,3);
# should be an ERROR
"" invited you to join #{} getTopicTitle @topic.
# however, it becomes: "invited you to join getTopicTitle @topic."
# doesn't properly let the temp var

while inverseBlocks.pop() extract? text

# also, but slightly different - still doesn't properly 'let'
while a extract? b

find {}
# should probably return undefined...
# Why? well, we'd like to distinguish between finding and not finding:
find a in b when a == null
# IDEA: this:
if find v, k in record when allowedFields[k]
  object v, k in record when allowedFields[k]

# could be:
object-if-find v, k in record when allowedFields[k]

# array-version:
array-if-find v, k in record when allowedFields[k]

# I don't quite like that syntax, but the idea is:
# For either 'object' or 'array', return null instead of
# an empty {} or [] - if empty it would be.
# This is an optional mode; most the time I want
# that empty {} or [] so other things don't break.

# OOPS - and interesting. THIS is actually correct:
if (find  v, k in record when v? && allowedFields[k])?
  object v, k in record when allowedFields[k]
# If when we find the first k in allowedFields, and v == 0,
# the if will be false; ack! In fact, I'd like to have even v == null be OK
# I really like the idea of object-if-find now. It would be just like object,
# except it would vivify the return-object upon the first key it finds that
# passes 'when'.
# IDEA alias opportunity: found == find
# It's nice when combined with 'if'
if found v in records when

# hey, that'z nize!
if found records with .foo?

# or if we do the object-if syntax:
object-if-found records with allowedFields[..] # .. == second param which is the key

# I kinda like it since it's more declarative-feeling vs imparative.


if !response.isRootRequest || response.requestProps.prefetch == false || response.requestProps.include == false || # DEPRICATED response.type == :delete



b = {} = a

could be:

b = object a

OK, so not a big savings there, but what I want is this:

{} {} = a foo: bar


The ability to merge "a" into the new object we are also

merging other things into.

Example 2:

{} {} = a {} = b

i.e.: merge a, b

OR equiv:

{} object a object b

None look terribly "obvious" to me, but they are useful,

and currently illegal...


[] &Filters {} config pipelines &Session.session # ...

could be:

{} {} = &Filters config pipelines &Session.session

I like "{} = foo" best, it's consistent with what I know-i-want:

{} {a, b} = foo c: 123


a: foo.a b: foo.b c: 123


c = {-a} = b


c = object v, k in b when k != :a

AND, how about this one: c = {/^a.*/} = b


c = object v, k in b when /^a.*/.test k

mix-and-match: (?)

c = {/^a/, -a} = b

since that could just be this, maybe we only allow one regexp:

c = {/^a.+/} = b

in fact, I almost think {/ /} is a special thing, since you

can express any possible selector that way, adding special logic

w.r.t. how separate selectors combine (is it AND or is it OR?)

is just messy.

NOTE, I have no idea what this means:

{/^a/i} = b # This has no side-effects and if the return is ignored...

Probably: cpu burner

Could be ILLEGAL, but I like to minimize what's ILLEGAL.


Another, realworld example:


7 tokens

merge objectWithout responseProps, :dataUpdates {} data

OR, only creates 1 obj, 12 tokens

out = objectWithout responseProps, :dataUpdates = data out


NOTE: this would only create 1 object instead of 3!

8 tokens

{} {-dataUpdates} = responseProps data

Here is another, current option, that only creates 1 object:

18 tokens

object v, k in responseProps into {} data when k != :dataUpdates && k != :data

Should this be legal?

1 /2

right now you have two spacing options:

1 / 2 1/2

I just made it illegal when I fixed this:

"1 -2" == "[1, -2]" and "a 1 -2" == "a(1, -2)"

# Improvements

  {foo, fun} = bar
# should be: {baz: baz, foo:, fun:}
# also sets: foo and bar as expected
  bar extract foo, fun
# should be: {baz: baz, fun:}
# also sets: foo and fun as expected
# TODO: - word-string-interpolation:
# should be: `foo${bar}`
# extract should support '?' and '||/or'
# we should ALSO support these options for function defaults
# extract ? vs = vs ||
a extract
  b ?= :default  # default-if-undefined-or-null
  c = :default   # default-if-undefined
  d ||= :default # default-if-false
# extract should set defaults no matter what
o = a extract?
  d = :noD
# d AND o should == :noD when !a?

# should apply recursively:
o = a extract?
  b extract?
    d = :noD
# o, b, and d should == :noD when !a?

# should apply recursively:
o = a extract?
  b = c extract?
    d = :noD
# o, b, and d should == (if c? then c.d else :noD) when !a?

# let's do this soon:
{@foo} = bar
bar extract @foo

# regex needs interpolation blocks:
  hi #{}
    myString + "foo"

{} a = b = 1
# Should be:
# temp = 1; {a: temp, b: temp}
# in-array should work
array a in-array b

  } = myObject

  } = myObject

    hi: 1

  = myObject

break & return for comprehensions

Comment Todo

The real solution looks like this: Every block sub-parsed, other than literals like string-blocks or comment-blocks themselves, needs something akin to the current preprocess step: Any under-indented comments should be up-indented to the base of the sub-block. I -think- that'll solve it.

# extra-indented comments should be ignored
    # extra indented first comment

Generates invalid javascript:

# compiler ERROR


(-> arguments.length)()

[].slice 0, 100

# compile ERROR
each from a til 3


(a.b) -> a

# simplest example
foo (a)->

Above one is super tricky! The function definition correctly fails to match the indented block starting with a dot-line-start, but then the indented-dot-line-start happily accepts it. It actually could be considered legal! However, it's horrific to my eyes. It breaks principle-of-least-surprise badly.

I think we need "match-block-or-no-block" to solve this.

NOTE: It isn't just dot-line-starts. This also fails fore operator-line-starts.

App extends FluxComponent


  directory structure:

# Should generate: require('./.DotSubdir')
# bad regexp detect
rect a.left,, a.w/2, a.h/2
array a in things when a &&

# AHEM. That should NOT be:
# > Caf.array(things, null, a => a) && true
# It should either be an error, or it should be what I was wanting:
# > array a in things when a && true

I think the following code is solvable if we make the "comma-then-block-extends-list" an optional comma. I -think- it'll work.

# this:
a :string
# should probably be this:
a :string, b
# not: a(:string)(b)

(a || b)

# should be:
(a || b)(c);
# Shouldn't this:
log {} currentTopicChanged, currentPostChanged, postsChanged,
  post: !!post?.id
  posts: posts?.length
  topic: !!topic?.id

# be the same as this?
log {}
  currentTopicChanged, currentPostChanged, postsChanged,
  post: !!post?.id
  posts: posts?.length
  topic: !!topic?.id

object v, k with-key lowerCamelCase k.replace /^posterText/, '' in a: 1 b: 2

# should be the same as:
object v, k in a: 1 b: 2 with-key lowerCamelCase k.replace /^posterText/, ''


foo extract
# this should mean:
foo1 = foo
foo =
bar =

if i == cats.length - 1 then Promise.then -> action event, props else {}

action event, props should be inside the .then funciton. The problem probably comes from this parse error:

# does not parse!
if a then -> c else d

array item in list.sort (a, b) -> b - a when item

# Should NOT be:
Caf.array(list.sort(function(a, b) {})(b - a), null, item => item);

# Should be:
Caf.array(list.sort(function(a, b) {return b - a}), null, item => item);

Probably same problem as above:

# this does not parse!
array item in -> a when item

Improved Parse Errors

# TODO: "UnaryOperator not allowed when structuring an object" should reveal a line-number:
log {} "#{message}": bitmap.clone(), size: bitmap.size, testArea

ERROR in ./test/tests/Art.Engine/Core/CoreHelper.caf
Module build failed (from ../caffeine-mc/webpack-loader.js):
Error: UnaryOperator not allowed when structuring an object. Legal examples: foo.accessors, &requires and identifiers.
# should show <here> right before &&&, not at start of line

Should Be Legal

# should be legal:


a = switch
when foo()
when bar()
# right now, a == undefined
# could mean:
a = switch
when temp1 = foo() then temp1
when temp2 = bar() then temp2

# what-does-this-mean-for-new-'if'-switcher?
  foo() then
  bar() then
# I feel like that should be illegal;
# hanging prepositions feel bad :)

Major Plans

Fix Comprehension Scoping

# when should share scope with the with-clause (and with-key) clause
# I think we can rework iterators JavaScript code to use
# only one funciton instead of two, even when there is a when
# or with-key clause.
array a in b when c =


extract in comprehensions and function definitions:

# these should all be equivalent
(a extract b) ->
(extract b) ->

{b} ->

# these should all be equivalent
each a from c with a.b
each a extract b from c
each extract b from c

each a.b from c
each .b from c

Improve While Scoping

# This SHOULD 'let p' in the while-test, not in the body, assuming
# javascript lets us do that.
while p = @nextPoint
  {x, y} = p

# What about this? Should also let-p in the while-test, but trickier.
while someFun p = @nextPoint
  {x, y} = p

New IF-Block

# IF, SWITCH and more BLOCK options:

# can we make this legal?
   && b

 console.log "dude"
# and for switch-when as well

# I want this, too:
  console.log "dude"

# and for switch-when as well:
  console.log "dude"

# Don't for get the new magic-if:

  a then b
  c then d

if foo
  is Object then e
  > 10      then f
  4 < .     then g
  .isFoo()  then h

  some.long.test .
  then i

  # implicit else-block:

  # explicit indented else:
  else foo

# de-indented else:
else foo


# If Foo has its own Function object, global.Function will NOT
# be used! Huh.
import Foo
a is Function
# strings in object-construction should either:
#   be an error << MY GUT says error
#   or, be: [myString]: myString
PostDate {}
  :row :childrenCenterRight
  oneLine:  true
  size:     wcw: 1, h: gridSize * 2
  color:    TextPalette.white.secondary
# We should support this:
a extract
  (c = b?.foo) extract? d
      c = b?.foo
      extract? d

# equivelent:
{b} = a
c = b?.foo
c extract? d
# hmm, ES6 is so dumb
  (a = d) -> a
  1 # but ES6 says its 0
# we could just move all defaults inside the body,
# as it should be. Adding defaults should not change the external API! WTF?!?
# This is a problem for my fastBind function which needs to know the number of args a function has
class Foo
  b = []
  constructor: (a = b) ->