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This project extracts and analyzes the latest 50 videos from the YouTube channels of the 20 main league teams in Brazil. By storing data in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and visualizing it with Power BI, we compare engagement metrics and gain insights into their YouTube presence.

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YouTube Channel Engagement Analysis of Brazilian League Teams

Project Overview

This project analyzes YouTube engagement for the 20 teams in Brazil's main football league. By extracting the latest 50 videos from each team's official YouTube channel, the data is stored in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and analyzed to compare engagement metrics. The insights gained are visualized through dynamic dashboards in Power BI. The goal is to understand which teams and video content types generate the most engagement, identify trends over time, and provide actionable recommendations for enhancing YouTube presence.



  • Extract the latest 50 videos from each team's YouTube channel.
  • Store the extracted data in SSMS.
  • Analyze the data to compare engagement metrics.
  • Visualize the results using Power BI.

Project Steps

1. Data Extraction

Python scripts are used to interact with the YouTube API and extract data. Below are the steps to extract the latest 50 videos for each team.

Python Code for Data Extraction

import os
import googleapiclient.discovery
from googleapiclient.discovery import build

youTubeApiKey = "youTubeApiKey"
youtube = build('youtube', 'v3', developerKey=youTubeApiKey)

channel_handle = 'channelName'
search_response =

if 'items' in search_response and len(search_response['items']) > 0:
    channel_id = search_response['items'][0]['snippet']['channelId']
    print(f"Channel ID: {channel_id}")

        res = youtube.channels().list(part='contentDetails', id=channel_id).execute()
        if 'items' in res and len(res['items']) > 0:
            uploads_playlist_id = res['items'][0]['contentDetails']['relatedPlaylists']['uploads']
            print("Error: Channel not found or no content details available.")
            uploads_playlist_id = None
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
        uploads_playlist_id = None

    if uploads_playlist_id:
        playlist_videos = []
        nextPage_token = None

# ... (rest of the code)

Note: The full Python script is provided in the attached file channel-extract.ipynb.

2. Data Storage

The extracted data is moved to a CSV file and then imported into SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) for further analysis.

3. Data Analysis

Highest Engagement

  • Team with the highest likes:

    • São Paulo with 239,715 likes.
  • Team with the highest comments:

    • Cruzeiro with 10,278 comments.
  • Team with the highest views:

    • Vasco with 3,133,404 views.

Top-Performing Videos

  • Top video in terms of views:

    • Vasco's video with 608,316 views.
  • Top video in terms of likes:

    • São Paulo's video with 39,078 likes.
  • Top video in terms of comments:

    • Cruzeiro's video with 2,026 comments.

    Key Questions Answered

  1. Which team has the highest engagement with likes on their videos?
  • The lower the score, the better. Palmeiras received a score of 8.67, indicating that for every 8.67 viewers, 1 liked the video.
    SUM(likes) AS engagement_likes, 
    SUM(views) AS engagement_views,
    ROUND(CAST(SUM(views) AS DECIMAL(10, 2)) / CAST(SUM(likes) AS DECIMAL(10, 2)), 2) AS total_engagement_likes
  1. Which team has the highest engagement with comments on their videos?
  • The lower the score, the better. Juventude received a score of 175.63, indicating that for every 175.63 viewers, 1 liked the video.
  1. What are the top-performing videos in terms of views, likes, and comments?

Top-Performing Videos by Views

Video ID Team Views
pLg5zInqLmA Vasco 608,316
#NAME? Cruzeiro 433,113
C03as2yI2BQ Cruzeiro 427,389
d4VI5GrqIGg Fluminense 406,380
qTbVPMNKArw São Paulo 370,966
xSXaVS3DL64 Flamengo 354,573
qFlJuehyCuM Flamengo 331,801
DDio0TNbgyc Corinthians 307,540
dRCAi6EGQug Cuiabá 254,956
gofJhZcjAq0 Vasco 252,637

Top-Performing Videos by Likes

Video ID Team Likes
qTbVPMNKArw São Paulo 39,078
d4VI5GrqIGg Fluminense 27,555
qy3TJejV5lc São Paulo 26,461
#NAME? Cruzeiro 21,316
qFlJuehyCuM Flamengo 20,916
DDio0TNbgyc Corinthians 20,165
BWxFHmPLsXA Vasco 19,662
cvesVnaEMhQ São Paulo 19,359
C03as2yI2BQ Cruzeiro 19,043
AdsyeanM6BI Corinthians 18,035

Top-Performing Videos by Comments

Video ID Team Comments
C03as2yI2BQ Cruzeiro 2,026
qTbVPMNKArw São Paulo 1,314
#NAME? Cruzeiro 1,219
ddEZXb131x0 São Paulo 893
qy3TJejV5lc São Paulo 879
DDio0TNbgyc Corinthians 846
ePNJOQFPfbs Vasco 773
BWxFHmPLsXA Vasco 674
XDDbodCztfY Vasco 602
AWWynz4S6CQ Fluminense 531
  1. What is the average number of likes, views, and comments per video for each team?
  • NULL values indicate information that could not be extracted from YouTube API, such as likes from Botafogo's and Athletico Paranaense's videos, and comments from Vitória's.

Average Engagement Per Team

Team Avg Likes Avg Views Avg Comments
Vasco 3,602 62,668 157
São Paulo 4,794 51,855 149
Cruzeiro 4,354 43,472 205
Flamengo 2,491 36,895 30
Corinthians 2,838 32,607 88
Fluminense 2,316 31,719 80
Grêmio 1,374 26,962 56
Botafogo NULL 19,209 67
Palmeiras 2,119 18,369 77
Atletico Mineiro 1,362 17,114 33
Bahia 990 14,208 33
Vitória 795 12,593 NULL
Fortaleza 807 11,061 45
Cuiabá 242 8,952 21
Internacional 635 7,120 35
Criciúma 169 4,232 7
Bragantino 92 2,581 4
Juventude 133 2,075 11
Atletico Goianiense NULL 1,456 13
Athletico Paranaense 97 1,377 5

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • The KPIs will appear on the dashboard created in the next chapter using PowerBI and will display the following analysis:

  • Average Views per Video

    • Formula: Total Views / Number of Videos
    • Description: Indicates the overall popularity and reach of the videos.
  • Average Likes per Video

    • Formula: Total Likes / Number of Videos
    • Description: Reflects the audience's approval and satisfaction with the content.
  • Average Comments per Video

    • Formula: Total Comments / Number of Videos
    • Description: Shows the level of interaction and engagement from the audience.
  • Engagement Rate per Video

    • Formula: (Total Likes + Total Comments) / Total Views * 100%
    • Description: Provides a comprehensive measure of how actively the audience is engaging with the videos.
  • Top 10 Videos by Views, Likes, and Comments

    • Description: Highlight the most successful content based on different engagement metrics.

4. Data Visualization

The analyzed data is visualized using Power BI. By connecting Power BI to the SSMS database, interactive dashboards are created to showcase the insights.


  • Python 3.x
  • YouTube Data API v3
  • SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
  • Power BI
  • Libraries: google-api-python-client


This project demonstrates the process of extracting, storing, analyzing, and visualizing YouTube engagement data for Brazilian league teams. By leveraging Python, SSMS, and Power BI, valuable insights into the YouTube performance of these teams are gained.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss any changes or improvements.


This project extracts and analyzes the latest 50 videos from the YouTube channels of the 20 main league teams in Brazil. By storing data in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and visualizing it with Power BI, we compare engagement metrics and gain insights into their YouTube presence.







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