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# Title Solution Difficulty 📝
1 Two Sum C, CPP, Python, Go, Rust Easy
2 Add Two Numbers C, CPP Medium
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters CPP Medium
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays C, CPP Hard
5 Longest Palindromic Substring CPP Medium note
7 Reverse Integer C Easy
8 String to Integer CPP Medium
9 Palindrome Number C Easy
10 Regular Expression Matching C Hard
11 Container With Most Water CPP Medium
14 Longest Common Prefix C Easy
15 3Sum CPP Medium
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number CPP Medium
19 Remove Nth Node From End of List C, CPP Medium
20 Valid Parentheses C Easy
21 MergeTwoSortedLists C, CPP Easy
22 Generate Parentheses Python Medium
26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array C Easy
27 Remove Element C Easy
28 Implement strStr() C Easy
32 Longest Valid Parentheses CPP, Python Hard
35 Search Insert Position C Easy
38 Count and Say C Easy
53 Maximum Subarray C Easy
58 Length of Last Word CPP Easy
61 Rotate List CPP Medium
66 Plus One CPP, C Easy
67 Add Binary C Easy
69 Sqrt(x) C Easy
70 Climbing Stairs C Easy
83 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List C, CPP Easy
88 Merge Sorted Array CPP Easy
92 Reverse Linked List II CPP Medium
94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal C Medium
100 Same Tree C Easy
101 Symmetric Tree C Easy
104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree C, CPP Easy
110 Balanced Binary Tree C Easy
111 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree CPP Easy
112 Path Sum CPP Easy
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock C Easy
136 Single Number C Easy
138 Copy List with Random Pointer CPP Medium
141 Linked List Cycle C, CPP Easy
142 Linked List Cycle II CPP Medium
143 Reorder List CPP Medium
144 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal C Medium
146 LRU Cache CPP Medium
147 Insertion Sort List CPP Medium
160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists CPP Easy
167 Two Sum II CPP Easy
169 Majority Element CPP Easy
191 Number of 1 Bits C Easy
204 Count Primes C Easy
206 Reverse Linked List C, CPP Easy
217 Contains Duplicate CPP Easy
234 Palindrome Linked List CPP, C Easy
258 Add Digits CPP Easy
268 Missing Number Go Easy
283 Move Zeroes CPP Easy
345 Reverse Vowels of a String CPP Easy
392 Is Subsequence C Easy
412 Fizz Buzz CPP Easy
416 Partition Equal Subset Sum CPP Medium
448 Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array CPP Easy
509 Fibonacci Number CPP Easy
524 Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting CPP Medium
608 Valid Palindrome II CPP Easy
709 To Lower Case C Easy
633 Sum of Square Numbers CPP Easy
912 Sort an Array C Medium
945 Minimum Increment to Make Array Unique GO Medium
961 N-Repeated Element in Size 2N Array CPP Easy