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Project Meetings

Tiffany J. Callahan edited this page Mar 13, 2019 · 9 revisions

Meeting Minutes

This page provides a record of project-related meetings and discussions. The goal of this page is to help keep collaborators informed about key-ideas and important discussion points related to this project.

UPDATE 03/13/2019: You can access all meeting minutes via the Meeting Minutes Project

Meetings Minutes Project

When you first navigate to the project you will see a screen similar to what I am showing in the image below. This image provides an overview of the Meeting Minutes Project boards. For this project, there are two boards:

  1. Scheduled Meetings: contains issues for meetings that are scheduled or issues for past meetings with open TODO tasks
    • Meeting issues will be opened prior to a scheduled meeting
    • Meeting attendees will be mentioned in the issue so that they have opportunity to review the proposed meeting agenda and suggest changes
  2. Past Meetings: contains issues for past meetings with completed TODO tasks
    • Meeting minutes will be added to the initial meeting issue as an update, after the meeting is complete
    • Once all TODO tasks assigned during the meeting are completed the issue will be closed

Clicking on the "Go to issue for full details" buttton, which is highlighted by a red box will allow you to view the full meeting minutes, updates, and TODO tasks. The figure below shows the full meeting minutes issue. Notice that once the pending TODO tasks that resulted from a meeting are completed, the issue is closed and the meeting minutes are archived.