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Release 0.73.3

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@okwasniewski okwasniewski released this 01 Feb 14:21
· 1199 commits to main since this release

React Native visionOS 0.73

We are excited to announce our first react-native-visionos release based on a stable version of React Native!


react-native-visionos is not production ready. If you encounter any issues let us know!

Get started

Make sure to follow the prerequisites described in the README and run this command to create a new project:

npx @callstack/react-native-visionos init VisionApp


visionOS CLI commands:

npx react-native run-visionos
npx react-native log-visionos
npx react-native build-visionos

SwiftUI as the entry point

The app entry point is now App.swift file (by default it is main.m). This change allows us to use full capabilities of the visionOS SDK. It allows you to also easily extend the framework using Swift and RealityKit to render 3D content.

// App.swift
struct HelloWorldApp: App {
  @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor var delegate: AppDelegate
  var body: some Scene {
    RCTMainWindow(moduleName: "HelloWorld")

Hover Effect API

<TouchableOpacity visionos_hoverEffect="lift">
  <Text>Click me</Text>

...And a lot of bug fixes 🐛

To learn more, check out the documentation here.


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