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A smart, minimal client-side table sorter that autodetects most content.

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JQuery Sortr

A smart, minimal client-side jQuery table sorter that autodetects most content.


Add or jquery.sortr.plain.js and then call Sortr on your table(s):



Column Detection

Sortr detects the content type of a column automatically as either alphabetical, numeric, or boolean:

  • If a column is only numbers (or currencies; see 'Custom Non-numeric Character Filters' below), it's numeric.
  • If it's any of the following, it's boolean:
    • Columns that contain cells with only checkboxes
    • Columns that contain only either empty cells or the same value (e.g. "yes", "yes", "")
    • Custom Booleans (see 'Other Options' below)
  • Otherwise, it's treated as alphabetical.

If a column contains only identical values, clicking on it's <th> won't do anything.

Default Direction

You can set the initial sort direction of a column either by the options object (to affect all columns of that type) or by adding a data-sortr-initial-dir value of asc or desc to a specific column's <th> element, or by setting a different value in the options object. The default values are:

  alpha: 'asc',
  numeric: 'desc',
  bool: 'desc'

Specifying Initial Sorting

Just give the appropriate <th> an attribute of data-sortr-default and Sortr will sort by that column on initialization.

You can give second <th> an attribute of data-sortr-fallback and Sortr will attempt to sort by that column if the data-sortr-default column isn't sortable (for example, if it's all identical values).

Specifying Secondary Sorting

If you'd like a column to be the sort tiebreaker for matching values, just give that th an attribute of data-sortr-secondary. For all other columns, any matching values will then be sorted according to the values in the data-sortr-secondary column.

Sorting by Custom Values

If you'd like to sort by a custom value rather than the contents of a table cell (e.g. the column is a relative date but you'd like to sort by the UTC date), just add the value that you'd prefer to sort by as a date-sortr-sortby attribute on your <td>. For example:

<td data-sortr-sortby='849398400000'>5 minutes ago</td>

Sorting by Input Values

If a table cell contains only an <input> element, Sortr will detect & sort by the value of that element.

Ignoring Columns

You can ignore any columns by giving the <th> an attribute of data-sortr-ignore or passing a selector that filters against your table's <th> elements:

ignore: '.some_selector'


For your styling pleasure, Sortr automatically applies sortr-asc or sortr-desc to the currently sorted th element.

Maintaining Row Classes

By default, Sortr does not move table row classes along with their content, e.g. if your first row has a class of .first, it'll keep that class after any sorting takes place. To move row classes along with their content, set move_classes to true.

Sorting Empty Cells

By default, empty cells are sorted at the end of a given column. To prepend empty cells instead, put a sortr-prepend-empty data attribute on the appropriate <th> element.

If you want the entire table to prepend empty cells on sort, either pass prepend_empty: true as an option to the .sortr() method call, or add a data-sortr-prepend-emptyattribute on the <table>.


If you modify the table contents client-side, call $your_table.sortr('refresh') or $your_table.trigger('refresh.sortr') to re-parse.


There are beforeSort() and afterSort() callbacks - for example, perhaps you want to keep a row pinned to the top of a table, in which case you'd detach it beforeSort, and prepend it afterSort. Any sort event also fires beforeSort.sortr and afterSort.sortr events on the table in question.

Custom Booleans

You can set custom boolean values. Be aware that these are just arrays, so if you redefine either, it'll overwrite the defaults, which are:

bool_true: [
bool_false: [

Custom Non-numeric Character Filters

If you want to ignore specific characters in numeric columns (for example, currency or temperature symbols), give the numeric_filter property a literal regex. Sortr currently defaults to /[$%º¤¥£¢\,]/


A smart, minimal client-side table sorter that autodetects most content.






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