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Community badge: Stable Community extension badge Compatible with: Camunda Platform 8


A Camunda 8 Connector to send a BPMN Message


Send a BPMN Message


Name Description Class Default Level
messageName Name of message to send, used to find the receiver java.lang.String REQUIRED
messageId Message Id java.lang.String OPTIONAL
correlationVariables Correlation value (1) java.lang.String OPTIONAL
MessageVariables Expression to get the variable expression (2) java.lang.String REQUIRED
messageDuration Duration of message on server java.lang.String OPTIONAL

(1) CorrelationVariables If the receiver is a intermediate catch event message, a correlation is mandatory to find the process instance to unfreeze.

(2) MessageVariables:

Variables to copy in the message. The format is "(=)* An string can be done explicitly To give the value, a constant can be used


In general, values of variables are not a constant. So, to pass value, use a Feel Expression can be provided:

= "statusTransferExpense="+statusTransfer+",dateTransferExpense="+dateTransfer+", amountTransfer="+amount

where statusTransfer, dateTransfer and amount are process variables.

Attention, Feel expression accept only string: Variables statusTransfer, dateTransfer must be String processes variable.

If not, the complete expression returns null, without any information.

To avoid this and use any kind of variable, use a constant expression with placeholder ${<processVariable>}.

For example, in the expression:

statusTransferExpense=${statusTransfer}, dateTransferExpense=${dateTransfer}, amountTransfer=${amount}

statusTransfer will be replace by its value, a String, dateTransfer can be a Date, and amount a double.

See test/resources/SendMessage.bpmn"


Name Description Class Level
messageKey Key generated by Zeebe java.lang.Long REQUIRED
tenantId Tenant ID which capture the message java.lang.String REQUIRED

BPMN Errors

Name Explanation
INCORRECT_VARIABLE_DEFINITION Incorrect variable expression definition. The value must be a list of (name=variable,)+
SEND_MESSAGE Error during the send operation


mvn clean package

Two jars are produced. The jar with all dependencies can be upload in the Cherry Framework

Element Template

The element template can be found in the element-templates directory.



This process send a message Pay employee without any correlation.

The second process send back a message Transfer done with a correlation key.