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Community Extension Compatible with: Camunda Platform 8

Camunda Platform 8 custom operations tools using React, Java and Spring Boot

This project is made to provide an example of custom operation tools based on bpmn-js, Operate APIs (Enterprise grade feature) and Zeebe client. The idea is to evaluate complexity to build custom solution on top of Operate when Operate doesn't fit completly.

This example show how a customer could build a 4-eyes principle mechanism where a user request process modifications (state, variables) and another user has to validate the request before it's applied in Zeebe's engine.

ℹ️ This is a community project that you can use during exploration phase, PoCs, trainings, etc. It's not production ready and you should carefully review it before using it in production.

Repository content

This repository contains a Java application built with Spring Boot and Zeebe Spring client to act as a connector runtime for Camunda Platform 8.

It also contains a React front-end that you can execute independently (npm run start) or serve from the spring boot application (you should first run a mvnw package at the project root).

First steps with the application

The application requires a running Zeebe engine (SaaS or Self Managed). You can run Zeebe locally using the instructions : recommended deployment options for Camunda Platform.

Run the application via

./mvnw spring-boot:run

UI http://localhost:8080/ Swagger UI: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html

The first time you use the project, you should be able to connect with demo/demo to do all operations.

When you start the application for the first time, an "ACME" organization is created for you with a single user demo/demo with all rights. Roles are the followings :

  • viewVariables : can view process variables
  • modifVariables : only available if you have viewVariables. Allow to modify variables
  • modifState : can terminate/activate instance flownodes
  • approveModif : can approve other user requests
  • autoApproveModif : depends on approveModif. Can approve his own requests

You can create other users with a subset of these permissions to have different behaviours.

Secure the app with keycloak

If you want to secure your app with keycloak, you can set the keycloak.enabled to true and uncomment the properties in the application.yaml file.

  enabled: true
  auth-server-url: http://localhost:18080/auth
  realm: camunda-platform
  resource: CustomOperate
  public-client: true
  principal-attribute: preferred_username

ℹ️ To use the application with Keycloak, create the CustomOperate client and roles listed above and assign them to (at least) one user.

Build and run the image

docker build -t camunda-community/custom-operate .
docker run -p 8888:8080 camunda-community/custom-operate

Time consumption

The current result was developped in 18 hours.


A very simple example on how to build a custom Operate app on top of Camunda Operate's APIs and bpmn-js.


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