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Overview and goal

This is just a trial to see if we can call a C function from JavaScript of a browser. It seems we can. May aim is to check whether this can be used to make executions faster on browser using WebAssembly (WASM for short).

As we all know C is fast. So let's say I'm sorting an array of integers in JavaScript in browser. If I create a C function for sorting and use it, can it execute faster?

Introduction slides


  • Followed instructions at MDN and Basically I used emscripten to generate WASM code from C code and then open it in the browser. You need a basic HTTP server. Opening raw HTML in browser won't work.

  • To conveniently access emsdk tools from the command line run source ./ from terminal and use the same terminal window to compile C code. This way C header files will be available

  • Compile WebAssembly that prints 'hello world' to the developer console emcc hello.c -o hello.html

  • Compile WebAssembly and use an HTML template emcc -o hello2.html hello2.c -O3 --shell-file html_template/shell_minimal.html

  • Compile WebAssembly call a C function emcc -o hello3.html hello3.c --shell-file html_template/shell_minimal2.html -s NO_EXIT_RUNTIME=1 -s "EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=['ccall']"

  • Compile WebAssembly without optiimizations, call a very badly implemented fibonacci function in both C and JS emcc -o hello4.html fib.c --shell-file html_template/simple_compare.html -sEXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=_fib -sEXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=cwrap => JS executes faster.

  • Compile WebAssembly with O2 optiimizations, call a very badly implemented fibonacci function in both C and JS emcc -o hello5.html fib.c --shell-file html_template/simple_compare.html -sEXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=_fib -sEXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=cwrap -O2=> C executes faster!

  • Compile WebAssembly with O3 optiimizations, call a very badly implemented fibonacci function in both C and JS emcc -o hello6.html fib.c --shell-file html_template/simple_compare.html -sEXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=_fib -sEXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=cwrap -O3 => C executes faster!

  • To call Module._malloc and Module._free from JS _malloc and _free should be exported inside flag sEXPORTED_FUNCTIONS like emcc -o findIndex.html findIndex.c --shell-file html_template/simple_compare_findIndex.html -sEXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=_findIndex,_malloc,_free -sEXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=cwrap -O2 => JS executes faster.

  • To call Module._malloc and Module._free from JS _malloc and _free should be exported inside flag sEXPORTED_FUNCTIONS like emcc -o mathMax.html mathMax.c --shell-file html_template/simple_compare_math_max.html -sEXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=_mathMax,_malloc,_free -sEXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=cwrap -O2 => JS executes faster.

  • To call Module._malloc and Module._free from JS _malloc and _free should be exported inside flag sEXPORTED_FUNCTIONS like emcc -o qsort.html arraySorter.c --shell-file html_template/simple_compare_array.html -sEXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=_arraySorter,_malloc,_free -sEXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=cwrap -O2 => JS executes faster.

  • To call Module._malloc and Module._free from JS _malloc and _free should be exported inside flag sEXPORTED_FUNCTIONS like emcc -o faster_sorter.html arraySorter2.c --shell-file html_template/simple_compare_array.html -sEXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=_arraySorter,_malloc,_free -sEXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=cwrap -O2 => C executes faster!

  • To export as an npm module, emcc arraySorter2.c -o wasm_api.js -sMODULARIZE -sEXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=_arraySorter,_malloc,_free -sEXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=cwrap -O2