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Views for Django apps, primarily for use in Webteam Django apps.


You can install this module directly with pip install canonicalwebteam.django_views, or alternatively, include canonicalwebteam.django_views in requirements.txt for your app.


TemplateFinder is an extension of TemplateView which attempts to load the corresponding templates directly from URLs, without the need to write a view for each URL.

It can load HTML templates directly, or parse Markdown files that contain a "wrapper_template" frontmatter key.


Here's an example of how to make use of TemplateFinder in your Django app:

from django.conf.urls import url
from canonicalwebteam.django_views import TemplateFinder
# ...
urlpatterns += url(r"$^", TemplateFinder.as_view()),

Template matching

When the app parses a URL, it will look for templates in the following locations, in order:

  • /parent/location/ => templates/parent/location.html
  • /parent/location/ => templates/parent/location/index.html
  • /parent/location/ => templates/parent/
  • /parent/location/ => templates/parent/location/

Markdown parsing

If the TemplateFinder encounters a Markdown file (ending .md) it will look for the following keys in YAML frontmatter:

  • wrapper_template mandatory: (e.g.: wrapper_template: /includes/markdown-wrapper.html) A path to an HTML template within which to place the parsed markdown content. If the path doesn't have a leading slash (e.g. "templates/template.html" or "../templates/template.html"), then TemplateFinder will search for the template relative to the location of the Markdown file in question. If the path
  • context optional: (e.g.: context: {title: "Welcome", description: "A welcome page"}) A dictionary of extra key / value pairs to pass through to the template context.
  • markdown_includes optional: (e.g.: markdown_includes: {nav: }) A mapping of key names to template paths pointing to Markdown files to include. Each template path will be parsed, the resulting HTML will be passed in the template context, under the relevant key.

Here's an example Markdown file:

    wrapper_template: "/includes/markdown-wrapper.html"
      nav: "includes/"
      title: "Welcome"
      description: "A welcome page"
    Welcome to my website.
    ## GitHub
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