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Caplinked - the Python library for the CapLinked API v1.0

Core information security endpoints for managing files/folders, users/groups, uploads/downloads, and more.

This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 2017-05-23
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install

Then import the package:

import caplinked 


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import caplinked

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

from __future__ import print_function
import time
import caplinked
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# set the auth
client = caplinked.ApiClient()
client.api_key = '6f3540227f801ce168d210c458bd1df62xxxxxxx'
client.api_secret_key = 'd44a18b59b64b70d05ba4f0be2c6488170de7dffad703e07ba1fe988exxxxxxx'
client.api_user_token = 'e16ee5bc8ab4887b96729c8900f30707cxxxxxxx'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = caplinked.UsersApi(client)

    # Get user information
    api_response = api_instance.get_users_me()
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling UsersApi->get_users_me: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
ActivitiesApi get_activities_workspace_workspace_id GET /activities/workspace/{workspace_id} Get workspace activities
DownloadsApi delete_downloads_id DELETE /downloads/{id} Delete download
DownloadsApi get_downloads_file_file_id GET /downloads/file/{file_id} Get single file
DownloadsApi get_downloads_id GET /downloads/{id} Get zip
DownloadsApi get_downloads_status_workspace_id GET /downloads/status/{workspace_id} Get status of downloads for current user
DownloadsApi post_downloads POST /downloads Create zip file
FilesApi delete_files_id DELETE /files/{id} Delete file
FilesApi get_files_id GET /files/{id} Get file information
FilesApi post_files_id_copy POST /files/{id}/copy Copy file
FilesApi post_files_id_move POST /files/{id}/move Move file
FilesApi put_files_id PUT /files/{id} Update file information
FilesApi put_files_upload PUT /files/upload Upload file
FoldersApi delete_folders_id DELETE /folders/{id} Delete folder
FoldersApi get_folders_id GET /folders/{id} Get folder information
FoldersApi post_folders POST /folders Create new folder
FoldersApi post_folders_id_copy POST /folders/{id}/copy Copy folder
FoldersApi post_folders_id_move POST /folders/{id}/move Move folder
FoldersApi put_folders_id PUT /folders/{id} Update folder information
GroupsApi delete_groups_id DELETE /groups/{id} Delete group
GroupsApi delete_groups_id_memberships DELETE /groups/{id}/memberships Remove a user from a group
GroupsApi get_groups GET /groups List all groups in workspace
GroupsApi get_groups_id GET /groups/{id} Get group information
GroupsApi get_groups_id_memberships GET /groups/{id}/memberships List all memberships for a group
GroupsApi post_groups POST /groups Create group
GroupsApi post_groups_id_memberships POST /groups/{id}/memberships Add user to group (adds to parent workspace if they are not already a member)
GroupsApi put_groups_id PUT /groups/{id} Update group
GroupsApi put_groups_id_disable_drm_expiration PUT /groups/{id}/disable_drm_expiration Disable DRM expiration for group
GroupsApi put_groups_id_disable_expire_access PUT /groups/{id}/disable_expire_access Disable access expiration for a group
GroupsApi put_groups_id_drm PUT /groups/{id}/drm Update DRM for group
GroupsApi put_groups_id_enable_expire_access PUT /groups/{id}/enable_expire_access Enable access expiration for a group
GroupsApi put_groups_id_watermarking PUT /groups/{id}/watermarking Watermarking for group
OrganizationApi delete_organization_memberships DELETE /organization/memberships Remove organization admin membership
OrganizationApi get_organization GET /organization Get organization information
OrganizationApi get_organization_memberships GET /organization/memberships Show all organization members
OrganizationApi post_organization_memberships POST /organization/memberships Add organization admin membership
OrganizationApi put_organization PUT /organization Update organization information
OrganizationApi put_organization_support_information PUT /organization/support_information Update support information of organization
PermissionsApi get_permissions_folders_id GET /permissions/folders/{id} List subfolder permissions
PermissionsApi put_permissions_folders_id PUT /permissions/folders/{id} Update folder permissions
TeamsApi delete_teams_id_memberships DELETE /teams/{id}/memberships Remove team member
TeamsApi get_teams GET /teams List all teams in organization
TeamsApi get_teams_id GET /teams/{id} Get team information
TeamsApi get_teams_id_memberships GET /teams/{id}/memberships Get list of team members
TeamsApi get_teams_id_watermark_settings GET /teams/{id}/watermark_settings List custom watermarks for a team
TeamsApi post_teams POST /teams Create team
TeamsApi post_teams_id_memberships POST /teams/{id}/memberships Add team member
TeamsApi put_teams_id PUT /teams/{id} Update team
UsersApi delete_users DELETE /users Delete user
UsersApi get_users_me GET /users/me Get user information
UsersApi post_users POST /users Create user
UsersApi put_users_me PUT /users/me Update a user
WatermarkApi delete_watermark_id DELETE /watermark/{id} Delete custom watermark
WatermarkApi get_watermark_id GET /watermark/{id} Get custom watermark setting
WatermarkApi post_watermark POST /watermark Add custom watermark
WatermarkApi put_watermark_id PUT /watermark/{id} Update custom watermark
WorkspacesApi get_workspaces GET /workspaces List all workspaces for a team
WorkspacesApi get_workspaces_id GET /workspaces/{id} Get workspace information
WorkspacesApi post_workspaces POST /workspaces Create workspace
WorkspacesApi put_workspaces_id PUT /workspaces/{id} Update workspace

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

See example on Getting Started


Python library for the CapLinked API.






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