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A Job Platform

Table of Content


About Us

Jobsite, is a platform where employers can post Jobs and Seekers can Apply for Jobs in an Easy and Efficient Manner.

Live Link:

Project Status: in progress

Technologies Used

  • Frontend

  • Backend

  • Database

  • Project Mnagement


Create Account Users can Sign up as Employer or Seeker.

Profile Management Seekers can populate and update their profile details, Employers can do same.

    Seeker Account:
        password: SeekerOne01

    Employer Account:
        password: EmployerOne01

Admin Fully Featured Admin Interface with control over the entire Application.

    Admin Account:
        password: AdminOne01

Employers Employers can post Jobs and update Job Status and Application Status.

Seekers Seekers can view Jobs and Apply for Jobs.

Recommendations Seekers get Job Recommendations based on their Profiles, Employers get Seeker recommendations based on matching criterias.

Responsive Enables users to access the platform via their various devices without any issues with their display.

Theres alot more I'll let you explore

How to Contribute

  • Fork the project repository
    In the project repository on github click the fork button in the upper right corner

  • Clone the forked repository to your local machine

    git clone
  • Navigate to the local directory and open in your IDE/ Text Editor

  • In the IDE terminal set upstream branch

    git remote add upstream
  • Pull upstream

    git pull upstream main
  • Create a new branch to make your changes

    git checkout -b <your_branch_name>
  • Stage the file After making edits, type the below command in your terminal

    git add <changed_files>
  • Commit changes

    git commit -m "your_message"
  • Push your local changes

    git push origin <your_branch_name>
  • Create a pull request

  • Wait till the admin accepts and merges your pull request

Setup and Installation

In your IDE run the following commands in the terminal to setup

  • Run composer install in root directory

    composer Install
  • Run npm install

    npm install
  • Run npm run build

    npm run build
  • Run Server

    php artisan serve



Jamal Umar Ibrahim