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Releases: caranathunge/promor

promor 0.2.1

21 Jul 14:37
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promor 0.2.1

Documentation updates

  • In previous versions, the functionality of the uniq_pep parameter
    (see create_df help page) was incorrectly described. We corrected the
    description to match its functionality as follows: "Numerical. Proteins that are
    identified by this number or fewer number of unique peptides are filtered out
    (default is 2).Only applies when input_type = "MaxQuant".

Bug fixes

  • In previous versions, volcano_plot function plotted "-log10(P-value)" on
    the y-axis by default even when sig = "adjP" and only colored the dots by
    their significance based on "adjP". In this version, sig = "adjP" shows
    "-log10.adj. P-value" on the y-axis and colors the dots by their "adjP"

promor 0.2.0

17 Jan 22:31
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promor 0.2.0

New data types allowed

  • A new argument (data_type) added to the create_df function to
    accommodate other types of LFQ data (raw intensity, iBAQ).

A new input type added

  • A new argument input_type added to the create_df function to
    allow users to input data from a standard quantitative matrix.

Workflow changes

  • To allow for missing data imputation prior to or after data normalization
    step (depending on the imputation method used), the following changes were made:
    • norm_df and imp_df arguments replaced with a generic df argument in
      the functions, find_dep, impute_na, normalize_data, and heatmap_de
    • A note was added to the tutorials to clarify that for some imputation
      methods, such as the kNN method, data normalization should be performed prior
      to imputation.

Default machine learning algorithms

  • naive_bayes added to the default algorithm_list argument in the
    train_models function.

promor 0.1.1

08 Nov 17:39
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Bug fixes

  • Fixes a minor issue with create_df when removing potential contaminants.
    The number of potential contaminants removed is now shown in the console.
  • Fixes an issue with find_dep that previously used a fixed value for the
    adj_method argument.
  • Fixes an issue with the file_path argument for saving the "TopHits.txt"
    file produced by the find_dep function.

Other changes

  • Citation file updated with the biorxiv preprint details.
  • Readme file updated with information on the Shiny App.
  • Help pages updated.

promor 0.1.0

20 Jul 22:12
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First release available on CRAN.