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95 lines (77 loc) · 3.9 KB

File metadata and controls

95 lines (77 loc) · 3.9 KB

!> - An average pool operator may not require cardano-wallet at all. Please verify if it is required for your use as mentioned here

Ensure the Pre-Requisites are in place before you proceed.

Build Instructions {docsify-ignore}

Clone the repository

Execute the below to clone the cardano-rest repository to $HOME/git folder on your system:

cd ~/git
git clone
cd cardano-db-sync
Build Cardano DB Sync

You can use the instructions below to build the cardano-db-sync, same steps can be executed in future to update the binaries (replacing appropriate tag) as well.

git fetch --tags --all
git pull
# Include the cardano-crypto-praos and libsodium components for db-sync
# On CentOS 7 (GCC 4.8.5) we should also do
# echo -e "package cryptonite\n  flags: -use_target_attributes" >> cabal.project.local
echo -e "package cardano-crypto-praos\n flags: -external-libsodium-vrf" > cabal.project.local
# Replace master with appropriate tag if you'd like to avoid compiling against master
git checkout master

The above would copy the binaries into ~/.cabal/bin folder.

Prepare DB for cardano-db-sync :
cd ~/git/cardano-db-sync
# scripts/ --dropdb #if exists already, will fail if it doesnt - thats OK
scripts/ --createdb
# Password:
# Password:
# All good!
## Verify you can see "All good!" as above
Start cardano-db-sync-tool
cd ~/git/cardano-db-sync
PGPASSFILE=$CNODE_HOME/priv/.pgpass cardano-db-sync-extended --config $CNODE_HOME/files/config.json --socket-path $CNODE_HOME/sockets/node0.socket --schema-dir schema/

You can use same instructions above to repeat and execute cardano-db-sync as well, but cardano-graphql uses cardano-db-sync-extended, so we'll stick to it


To validate, connect to postgres instance and execute commands as per below:

export PGPASSFILE=$CNODE_HOME/priv/.pgpass
psql cexplorer_phtn

You should be at the psql prompt, you can check the tables and verify they're populated:

#            List of relations
# Schema |      Name      | Type  | Owner
# public | block          | table | <username>
# public | epoch          | table | <username>
# public | meta           | table | <username>
# public | schema_version | table | <username>
# public | slot_leader    | table | <username>
# public | tx             | table | <username>
# public | tx_in          | table | <username>
# public | tx_out         | table | <username>
#(8 rows)

select * from meta;
# id | protocol_const | slot_duration |     start_time      | network_name
#  1 |          43200 |         20000 | 2020-04-12 13:55:37 | pHTN
#(1 row)

select * from tx;
# id |                                hash                                | block | fee |     out_sum      | size
#  1 | \x26b63ce785b16fc53ba3ab882ac0e5342a77b33f355ba82982e3e2d5e05500df |     1 |   0 |       1000000000 |    0
#  2 | \xbd8f661658dabbb557d4b5e23264d34fda2a2304daccdac283e337581a88c479 |     1 |   0 |   62499975000000 |    0
#  3 | \x17fbf571b7d091e9cfb6853cd5fb603031831ce7e5e3acbb4b842960e90ba419 |     1 |   0 |   62499975000000 |    0
#  4 | \x3e7e3c1105d3bd76a2b5ae897e1b79b86c7834e68409e533afc318112405ff69 |     1 |   0 |   62499975000000 |    0
# ...
# (36 rows)