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Assignment 6 Spreadsheet


Main Features:

  • Excel-like Designs: comes with name box, formula bar and 3 buttons to add function & apply/cancel changes;
  • Handling Complex Formulas: SUM function can be part of the formula, e.g. =4+SUM(A1:A5)/5 is calculated to 5 when A1 to A5 are all equal to 1;
  • Reference Tree: the data structure to detect circular references & determine the order of updating cells.

Technologies Used:

  • Google Web Font(Open Sans, Noto Sans HK/KR/JP);
  • node-sass
  • RxJS


  • Internet (Fonts & RxJS);
  • nodejs & npm;

How To Run:

  1. git clone to local & navigate there;
  2. Run npm install to install dependencies;
  3. Run npm build to compile SCSS files to CSS file;
  4. Double click spreadsheet.html to show webpage

Assignment Descriptions:

Create a spreadsheet application like Google sheets using Javascript, RxJS, and CSS.

User Requirements:

  1. As a user, I should be able to add/delete rows/columns to the spreadsheet using specific buttons.
  2. As a user, I should be able to select multiple rows or columns and display their sum in a cell by using a formula. The formula should be of the format "=SUM(START_CELL:END_CELL)". Example "=SUM(A1:A10)" to display the sum of all items from cell A1 to A10. Any changes to the cell content in the selected range should update the sum.
  3. As a user, I should be able to perform simple algebraic operations (+, -, *, /) with cell references. Example "=A1+A2".
  4. As a user, I should be able to export the sheet as a CSV file.
  5. As a user, I should be able to load a CSV from the node server on clicking a load button.

Technical Requirements:

  1. The goal of this assignment is to learn about JavaScript events & RxJS.
  2. Events for the formula should be implemented using RxJS and buttons can use simple event listeners.
  3. On clearing formula, all subscribers and events should be cleared from the page.
  4. No javascript frameworks should be used except RxJS.
  5. No CSS frameworks should be used.
  6. Should use ES6 syntax.
  7. Should document your code extensively.
  8. Should have .gitignore, files.
  9. file should have markdown with project description and instructions to run the project.

Github Link:


This assignment will be graded for 200 points.

  • Code documentation. (5 Points)
  • .gitignore, and multiple Git commits (10 Points)
  • Use external CSS, JavaScript files. (5 Points)
  • If RxJS not used for formulas. (-50 Points)
  • Assignment completion. (180 Points)

Useful Links: