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Releases: cbuchner1/driver_leap

Alpha Release #8

11 Jun 10:50
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Alpha Release #8 Pre-release

New installer method to merge configurations and register paths

Updated to OpenVR SDK 1.0.0

Previous alpha releases #4 through #7 have been pulled due to installer troubles.

Alpha Release #3

01 May 18:50
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Alpha Release #3 Pre-release
  • I've added some touchpad emulation (see Readme.MD)
  • The system menu pose has been changed to a "Timeout" pose.

The release notes of previous alpha releases still apply (be sure to browse them).

ADDITIONAL NOTE: When you use an HTC vive, the emulated Wand controller will show all button and touchpad presses while inside the SteamVR environment (not necessarily in games, as these can define their own controller models). Unfortunately when I used my DK2, the displayed controller would only indicate Trigger button presses and nothing else.

Alpha Release #2

28 Apr 21:55
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Alpha Release #2 Pre-release

This update maps the menu and system button to two new gestures. Refer to file for details

A couple of new gestures have been implemented (but not all are mapped to buttons). Use the gesture_checker.exe application to try them out. Again, refer to the file for details.

It's best to uninstall the previous version before installing this newer alpha release. The product UUID of the installer has changed and it would not recognize the previous version.

A conflict between the installers of the Hydra driver maintained by betavr and the installer of my Leap Motion driver was resolved. This is why I had to change my UUIDs in the installer project.

Most caveats and problems from the first Alpha release still apply. Your previous steamvr.vrconfig file will be backed up now at least before the installer replaces it. I hope that future releases will be able to amend the JSON configuration file instead of replacing it.


Alpha release

25 Apr 00:05
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Alpha release Pre-release

Known issues:

-There is one nagging problem which causes the SteamVR server process to crash occasionally when exiting applications.

-The deinstallation step of unregistering the driver doesn't get executed when uninstalling the driver. Shouldn't cause harm. The directory is gone so Steam won't load the driver anymore after deinstallation

-Sometimes when SteamVR is running as a 32 bit application and a 64 bit game starts, the 64 bit version of the leap driver will also load, but show some unresolved symbol errors in a dialog box. Not sure how to prevent that.

-The installer will currently overwrite your streamvr.vrsettings configuration file in the config folder of your Steam installation folder. This may overwrite some settings like the reprojection allowance. Make a backup if you care.