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Book-In-Style is inspired by StyleSeat (, an online destination for beauty & wellness where clients can discover new services and providers, book appointments, leave reviews, and more.

Meet the developer behind Book-In-Style~

Book-In-Style is brought to you by Cecilia Zhao. Thank you for visiting!


Navigating this ReadMe

Technologies Used

pythonjavascript react redux sqlalchemy postgresql html5 css3 git

Getting Started

How do I run this project?
  1. Clone this repo.

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies from the root directory

    pipenv install --dev -r dev-requirements.txt && pipenv install -r requirements.txt
    pipenv install psycopg2-binary
  3. Install dependencies from the react-app directory

    npm install
  4. In the react-app directory, create a .env file using the .env.example that will be used to define your desired PORT (preferably 5000).

  5. In the root directory, create a .env file that will be used to define your environment variables.

    Use the .env.example found in the root directory as a template. Use a secured combination of characters for your SECRET_KEY. The DATABASE_URL should be in the format of postgresql://<database_user>:<password>@localhost/<database_name>

  6. Create a user using the same credentials in the .env file of the root directory with the ability to create databases

     psql -c "CREATE USER <database_username> PASSWORD '<password>' CREATEDB"
  7. Create a database using the same credentials in the .env file of the root directory

     psql -c "CREATE DATABASE <database_name> WITH OWNER <database_username>"
  8. Enter pipenv to migrate and seed your database

    pipenv shell
    flask db upgrade
    flask seed all
  9. Inside of the pipenv shell, start the services in the root directory

    flask run
  10. In a separate terminal, start the services in the react-app directory

    npm start
How do I log in as a Demo User? On the log in page, click "Demo Login".


Book Appointments

Users can book, update, and delete their appointments.

Leave Reviews

Users can create, update, and delete reviews.

Add to Favorites

Users can add and delete favorites.

List Businesses

Users can list businesses, add services, as well as edit and delete their listings.

Helpful commands

Command Purpose
pipenv shell Open your terminal in the virtual environment and be able to run flask commands without a prefix
pipenv run Run a command from the context of the virtual environment without actually entering into it. You can use this as a prefix for flask commands
flask db upgrade Check in with the database and run any needed migrations
flask db downgrade Check in with the database and revert any needed migrations
flask seed all Just a helpful syntax to run queries against the db to seed data. See the app/seeds folder for reference and more details


Beauty & wellness appointments, reviews, and more






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