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Apple II 11b. Text and Graphics Split Modes

StewBC edited this page Feb 18, 2020 · 4 revisions

It is often very handy to be able to use a simple text display to convey information when using a graphics program. The Apple II has the ability to shorten the graphics display, and use the last (bottom) 4 rows of text, as text. These rows can then be accessed and used as a normal text display.

By shorten I mean the following:
  • Lowres, normally 48 rows, will become 40 rows tall.
  • Hires and Color, normally 192 rows tall, will become 160 rows tall.

Using this mode is very simple. Simply touch MIXSET ($C053) to enable the last 4 lines as text, and touch MIXCLR ($C052) to disable the 4 lines for full-screen graphics.

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