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RAM capacity

Enrico Cocchi edited this page Dec 7, 2022 · 2 revisions

plotVCF needs to load the input VCF file before it can starts to manipulate it in order to plot your variants. It means that your RAM capacity must be big enough to host the VCF file and the operations that need to be performed on it by plotVCF.

If you try to analyze files that are too big for your RAM, you will encounter memory errors...but do no desperate! There are several ways to work this out! 😉

As example, you can split your input VCF file in one different file for each chromosome (take a look at here) or any other splitting method you prefer, and then run plotVCF on any of those files. It mans a bit more of work, but you will get your plots out as soon as you pass an input VCF file which is compatible with your RAM capacity

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