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Maven Profile Build Extension

This extension allows to build project according profile dependencies, having a single POM file but using Maven Settings.


This extension can be resolved using following repository:

  <name>Applicius Maven2 Releases Repository</name>


To define extra dependencies in Maven profiles, you can update your POM as following:




For previous sample POM, profile properties should be prefixed by my.deps. So in Maven Settings (.m2/settings.xml), you should have properties like:

        <>groupId:artifactId:version:packaging:scope<!-- ... --></>

Here only one dependency is defined, groupId:artifactId:version:packaging:scope. You can define several dependencies in a single property value by separating them with a space.

Each of these dependencies should match one of following format:

  • groupId:artifactId:version:packaging
  • groupId:artifactId:version:packaging:scope

Such dependencies can be checked as other ones using mvn dependency:tree.

EAR modules

EAR project case is also taken in account, to be able to define extra EAR modules in settings profiles.

Modules are defined in a similar way to profile dependencies supported by this extension, so your POM should looks like:




Profiles modules should then be defined in your Maven Settings like:

        <>groupId:artifactId:moduleType:moduleUri<!-- ... --></>

Here only one module is defined, groupId:artifactId:moduleType:moduleUri. You can define several EAR modules in a single property value by separating them with a space.

Each module definition should match one of following formats:

  • groupId:artifactId:moduleType:moduleUri
  • (only if moduleType is web) groupId:artifactId:moduleType:moduleUri:contextRoot

The moduleType is not packaging, but EAR module type: ejb, web.

Part moduleUri is the one used as <uri>...</uri> in EAR XML descriptor.


As using this extension a Maven project can produce multiple distinct artifact, it's required to have a defined classifier.

This extension will enforce failure on missing classifier.

Project property profilebuild.classifier can be used.


More documentation can be found here.

Maven document for previous release (for Maven 2.x) is still only at there.


Maven Profile Dependencies Plugin






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