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WordPress plugin that provides a simple API for storing miscellaneous log entries and displays them in a Dashboard subpage.

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=== Custom Logging Service ===
Contributors: ccprog
Tags: logging
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 4.7
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPL2

Provides a simple API for storing miscellaneous log entries and displays them in a
Dashboard subpage. 

== Description ==

This plugin is derived from the no longer supported
[Wordpress Logging Service](
Despite that it is not compatiple with it, and there is no upgrade path from one
to the other.

= Features =

* No log entries generated by the plugin itself, all come from external API calls
* Organisation of log entries in freetext categories
* Severity levels
* Freetext log messages
* Entries can be marked as seen and then filtered from being displayed again
* Filtering by minimum severity level
* Sort by date, category, user name, severity or blog name (in Multisite installations)
* Access to the log page can be granted by user role

== Installation ==

1. Install from *Plugins -> Add New*
2. Or download the .zip and extract to `wp-content/plugins`
3. Activate the plugin from the *Plugins* menu. In Multisite installations, feel free
   to activate as a network plugin or to leave it to individual blogs.
4. Go to *Settings -> Custom Logging Service* for the next steps

= Settings =

* **Minimum severity for notification:** You will see the number of unseen log entries
  of that level or above next to the menu entry for the log page.
* **Default minimum severity filter:** Which severity levels you will see in the log page.
  You can change this filter later on the page.
* **Roles that can manage Custom Logs:** Decide who can see and interact with the log page.
* **Log entries per page:** Set the number of entries per page.

= Generating Log messages =

This plugin does not generate any log messages by itself. You need other plugins to
interact with it through the API; see the API section for details.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Where are the logs? =

Find them under Dashboard -> Selected Logs.

= I can't find the option to add roles for log management! =

If the plugin has been installed network-wide in Multisite, only the Super Admin
has access to the logs. Sorry, I don't understand role management in Multisite.

== API ==

= Constants =

Check to test if the plugin is active:

`CLGS = true`

Defined severity levels:


= Functions =

`clgs_is_registered ( $category )`

* `string $category`

*returns* `true` if `$category` is registered.

`clgs_register ( $category, $description )`

registers `$category` as a log category. `$description` will be shown in the
management page.  
It is good practice to use unique categories for each plugin that publishes
log messages.

* `string $category` At most 190 (unicode) characters
* `string $description` can contain HTML same as comments (filtered by

*returns* `false` if the category is already registered or it is too long.

`clgs_clear ( $category )`

deletes all log entries of `$category`.

* `string $description` existing category

*returns* number of deleted entries or `false` if action failed.

`clgs_unregister( $category );`

deletes all log entries and then removes `$category`.

* `string $description` existing category

*returns* `false` if false if action failed.

`clgs_log( $category, $text, $severity = null, $user = null, $blog_id = null, $date = null );`

writes a new log entry in the specified category

* `string $description` a registered category name
* `string $text` the logged message, can contain HTML same as comments (filtered
  by `wp_kses_data`)
* `int $severity` one of defined severity levels (see above); if missing defaults to
* `int | string | WP_User $user` user id, slug or WP user object are aceptable; if missing
  defaults to current user (or a placeholder if none is logged in)
* `int $blog_id` blog id; if missing defaults to current blog
* `int | double | string $date` a UNIX timestamp or a string recognized by `strtotime()`;
  if missing defaults to current time

*returns* `false` if entering the log failed.

== Screenshots ==

1. Settings screen
2. Log page

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.3 =

Compatibility with WP 4.7

= 1.0.2 =

Compatibility with WP 4.6

= 1.0.1 =

Compatibility with WP 4.5

= 1.0.0 =

First version, derived from [zaantar's](
[Wordpress Logging Service](


WordPress plugin that provides a simple API for storing miscellaneous log entries and displays them in a Dashboard subpage.






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