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Shortest path calculator using a bipartite to unipartite transformation and the Breadth First Search algorithm and exhaustive search algorithm

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Shortest Path using a limited Breadth First Search approach


This Golang project performs a shortest path analysis using a Breadth First Search (BFS) approach and also an exhaustive search within a limited radius of each vertex. With the BFS approach, the code returns the first path that exists between two vertices. If the config specifies all of the paths to be found, within a limited range to make the computation tractable, then all of the paths that connect two vertices are returned.

The input to the code is designed for data that represents a bipartite graph, e.g. composed of entities and documents (such as authors and academic papers).

The code collapses the bipartite graph to a unipartite graph for search efficiency reasons. For example, a pair of authors could write a number of papers together, but the connectivity of the authors is more important than the papers themselves.

In addition, for performance reasons, the code performs a reachability analysis to determine the vertices that are accessible from a given vertex within a set number of hops. If a pair of vertices from the config are deemed reachable, then their connecting path(s) are identified. This step provides a significant performance gain.

Entities can be ignored when reading the graph from file to avoid finding shortest paths through nodes with certain properties, e.g. a high betweenness centrality. This saves the user having to pre-process the input CSV files.

The code contains a test case (in the folder test-data-full) where the documents and entities are as represented in the figure below.

The code collapses the bipartite graph to a unipartite graph, as shown below.

The bipartite graph is constructed from CSV files with the required header. An example of one such CSV file is:


The program can output the unipartite graph as a CSV file by specifying a file path for unipartite in the config.json file. As the input graph is not directed, the CSV file contains each pair of connected entity IDs just once. Note that entities that have no connections to other entities are not exported in the unipartite graph.

The paths to try to find are expressed in the JSON file. An example of the output from the code expressed as a table is:

Source entity ID Destination entity ID Number of hops Path Link
e-1 e-2 1 e-1|e-2,e-2
e-8 e-11 1 e-8|e-11,e-11
e-3 e-18 3 e-3|e-14|e-17|e-18,e-14,e-17,e-18

The web-app link in the final column is configurable. If it's not required, just set webapp_link to an empty string in the JSON config.


The configuration for the code is via a config.json file. For simplicity, the executable just looks for a file with this name in the same folder as the executable.

The input_files parameter contains a list of entity-document CSV files. Each file must contain the header entity_id,document_id and the values must be separated using a comma (,).

The entities section contains:

Field name Purpose Example
data_sources List of data sources See table below.
skip List of entities to remove from the graph (can be blank) ["e-100"]

The data_sources list contains objects with the following fields:

Field name Purpose Example
name Friendly name for the data source (or reason for entity IDs) "Authors published in IEEE working on DFD"
entity_ids List of entity IDs ["e-1", "e-5"]

The output section has the following fields:

Field name Purpose Example
max_depth Maximum number of hops from the source vertex to a goal 3
find_all_paths Should all shortest paths be found or just the first? true
output_file Location of the output CSV file of results results.csv
delimiter Delimiter to use in the CSV file of results ,
path_delimiter Path separator in the CSV file -
webapp_link Template for the web-app link (if applicable). That that a comma-separared list of entities are replaced where <ENTITY_IDS> appears.<ENTITY_IDS>
unipartite File path for the unipartite version of the graph (if required). Set to an empty string if this isn't required. unipartite.csv


  • Run all of the test using go test.

  • Build an EXE from the code using go build.

  • Define the config.json file.

  • Run the EXE using ./shortestpathbfs.exe. Note that it simply looks for a config.json in the same folder as the EXE.

  • A CSV format results file will be produced where paths could be found within the maximum search distance.


Shortest path calculator using a bipartite to unipartite transformation and the Breadth First Search algorithm and exhaustive search algorithm







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